Any chance BM2 finds its way onto my Android?

edited October 2012 in General
There are literally no good beat making apps available for Android.

Now, I'm not sure if Intua has any interest in Android I assume thay they don't since BM2 isn't available for it.

However they could easily own the beat maker market on Google Play store. There is no competition.

I'm just wondering if there has been any discussions or anything abiut BM2 being made available on Adnroid phones/tablets?


  • edited 5:18AM
    There has been a few discussions on this.. It all boils down to this:
    Android simply does not have the low latency required for real time audio use. Yet.

    There are posts like this on the nano studio forum, and the Auria forum as well.

    look at it like this- macs were always first choice for music as well, until windows got it together a bit (and the all important asio driver which saved the day).
  • edited 5:18AM
    There has been a few discussions on this.. It all boils down to this:
    Android simply does not have the low latency required for real time audio use. Yet.

    There are posts like this on the nano studio forum, and the Auria forum as well.

    look at it like this- macs were always first choice for music as well, until windows got it together a bit (and the all important asio driver which saved the day).

    That actually explains a lot, thanks.

    Is latency a hardware thing or could it be added through an update?

    PS I just noticed there was another thread about this topic started a few days ago.
  • edited 5:18AM
    It is an android os problem. They will get there, and seeing as that android devices have surpassed iOS devices in sales (phones for sure that I know of), developers are as impatient to get their apps on android too
  • edited 5:18AM
    I hate to say it, but it also boils down to the fact that developing software for Android is a complete nightmare.

    The development tools suck (Eclipse *yuck*), the kazillion different screen resolutions and aspect ratios make it 10 times harder to develop an app, the whole Java thing is generally slower than the native code that is generated for iOS (yes, you can generate native code for Android too, but with much hassle), and well, yeah, there's also the latency issue.

    The latency issue, btw, is not entirely software. Even some of the hardware has high latency that cannot be compensated through a better OS.

    If serious audio tools get to Android, then probably only for a few select devices.
  • Hi there,

    We are watching the newest Android devices as they seem to provide enough to be able to run BM2. The only remaining issue it the overall audio latency, still a downer for us to be honest.
    Things are improving with Jellybean, so let's hope it gets widespread quickly.

    Let's see where it goes...!
  • edited 5:18AM
    Well, I hope you guys actually make this one day as I am moving on from iOS and sadly I probably won't see the new update and great work you guys put into it.

    There are some really good music apps on Android, like Caustic (which even loads soundfonts), and FL Studio Mobile is working on a port so maybe I could see BM on Android sooner rather than later. It's definitely my favorite app.
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