Sending CCs to BM buggy?

edited October 2012 in Support
Wow, honestly I didn't experienced that BM2 really supports MIDI without bugs (Ok, maybe if it just sends MIDI notes, receiving notes (being sequenced) seems also buggy).

The problem: I tried to send CC messages from an external controller to BM2. No problem it works. BUT: If Beatmaker starts to repeat at the beginning at it's loop (loop is active) it resets all parameters to the previous values.

An example: I set cutoff frequency (in drums, or keyboard) to 10KHz (DIRECTLY on the iPad, without a MIDI controller). Now I change (with MIDI controller) the cutoff to 5Khz... but BM2 is setting it's cutoff value (at the beginning of the loop, NO automations are in the pattern) back to 10Khz! That means: It's totally useless to control BM2's parameters, because they always get set back to the value which has been done before (at BM2 "itself")!

Can someone confirm that - I don't think that I missed something!?


  • edited 1:47AM
    If you don't have a cc command within the loop, the behaviour of BM2 is correct. I guess ( and I would expect) that BM resets all controllers at start/stop and then default instrument values are used.

    Edit: on the other hand some sequencers actually do, what you want. They set all messages to the LAST value found before the start point. Thinking twice now I agree that this would be better and more 'musical'.
  • edited 1:47AM
    No, as I wrote "NO automations" - and better: Beatmaker also resets it's parameters even if there is NO pattern created, nothing! And no, it hasn't something to do with start/stop BM2 - it happens ALWAYS when BM2 is looping a pattern.
    Edit: on the other hand some sequencers actually do, what you want.
    Sorry for asking you: but honestly, did you understood what I expierenced? Maybe I was not clear enough?

    The point is: Settings (not automations) which were made on the touch screen (iDevice) have a higher priority than settings which were made with an external controller! BM resets ALL parameters you're changing with an external controller to the last value which has been made on the touchscreen! This absolutely doesn't make sense.

    This problem has nothing to do with "some sequencers actually do, what you want".
    In the last 15 years I never experienced something like that (logically: this behaviour would make MIDI controllers useless!) - and I'm sure Intua didn't made this by "design".
  • edited 1:47AM
    Maybe I was not clear enough?

    The only thing I advise you is to switch to a more appropriate way of communication.
    You won't get much help by acting totally hysteric because of some problem.
    Got it?
  • edited 1:47AM
    acting totally hysteric
    Because I didn't know if my explanation was understandable enough, I tried a second time... hysteric? Oh yeees, I'll run amok and destroy the world! <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: -->
    Got it?
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