What is your BM2 workflow?

edited November 2012 in General
With this app, we are basically in uncharted territory as far as mobility is concerned. I don't think Intua have any illusions about 'reinventing the wheel', so to speak, and our individual workflows naturally dictate our wants and needs from the software.
Some people use BM2 solely on the iPhone, and others have been making a serious attempt at making it the center of our studios. I belong to the latter, even though I've got a protools le rig , reason, renoise, reaper etc on the desktop... Just got tired of sitting in a cozy chair mousing around!
I use BM2 on the ipad3 ,(it's on my iPhone too, but never use it anymore). As I am a stay at home dad, I can quickly bust out the iPad and do certain small tasks during the day while she naps, and after she goes to sleep for the night I take the iPad into my home studio where I have created a whole section based around BM2 and its performance capabilities.
The iPad hooks up to an Akai EIE via cck, and I have an Akai MPD32 and older MAudio axiom 25 connected via USB to the EIE. The setup works great, and I've got everything routed thru a cheap dj mixer for monitoring, which also sends a feed back the the inputs of the EIE(3&4) for quick resampling capabilities. On the other side of the room is the protools setup, with an old technics TT thru a radial j33- digital MPAII- spdif-digi 002 for sampling. This is also where I will mix everything in protools from the exported stems from BM2.
I don't use any other apps in parallel with BM2,(audiobus will surely change that <!-- s:ugeek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_ugeek.gif" alt=":ugeek:" title="Uber Geek" /><!-- s:ugeek: --> )
This is the reason for some of my requests, such as more midi control etc,(would love to be able to control everything from the MPD32.. Still not a fan of tapping on glass, but audio editing on the touchscreen is fantastic), and I thought if we share our setups and how we use BM2 that important features that cover our common ground will see the light of day in BM2 in the future.


  • edited 2:43AM
    Dubhausdisco, your setup sounds awesome but is way to complex for me.

    I just use the ipad apps, BM2 as the major app for 90% of my songs.(I've done one song on an mpc2500 since I began using BM2)
    I listen to songs, load them into ipad2 via itunes/ PC , open BM2 then bring them in, chop and play parts over and over and over till i get things happening.Mess with BM2 keyboard bass, sometimes import some drums or play around within etc. Most is done while watching TV with the family with earphones. Then near the end i take it into my studio which is treated for critical listening and Mix,eq,pan,automate and fx, etc etc, but still within BM2. Then when its done I export audio file within BM2 and then uplad to soundcloud via BM2 option.
    My stuff is simple, basic, fun to do, probably quite dull for most to listen too..but thats all I'm into.I don't have the intelligence to do any better.
    Lately i have been very busy and have not had time to play ....too tired each night...maybe back into it soon i hope...i miss being creative.
  • edited 2:43AM
    Other than BM2, I use Animoog, which I use to create synth samples. I record them in Animoog, paste them into BM2, edit them and assign them to synth keys.

    Absolutely everything else is done with BM2. I used to use a few other apps, but I've been striving for absolute simplicity lately.

    I also have Filtatron, which I sometimes run on my iPad while I use Animoog on my iPhone. I feed the iPhone's output into the iPad with the CCK and a cheap audio interface. It's kind of a hassle, though, so I rarely do this.

    Once Audiobus is released and Moog's apps are updated to use it, sending Animoog's audio through Filtatron and into BM2 will be much easier. No second device or cables or audio interface needed.
  • edited 2:43AM
    I never use any midi devices, strictly the ipad or iPhone, then final mix and mastering in Logic pro 9. At times i find myself mainly using my iPhone which i have found to be just as good as the iPad. I love to try and do everything in BM but the instruments/synths just are not that great not that bad either...(we need more!)

    BM being to core app i also use:

  • edited 2:43AM
    I essentially hook up my MIDI controllers to my iPad via a powered USB hub and the iPad Camera Connection Kit, and use the keyboards as an interface for controlling the apps/synthesizers. I use different controllers for controlling synths running in the background, and mpk mini drum pads to mess with beats/samples in BM2:

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