Cubasis for iOS is out!

edited December 2012 in General
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As I assumed, more and more of the "real" big sequencer companys jump on the iOS train.
Steinberg is a (or better: THE) primary rock in the history. I assume after some updates (they already confirmed a lot for the future - also audiobus)... Beatmaker will have a very hard time to resist in the market - particulary because BM development seems not very orientated to what musicians really need.. <!-- s:( --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" /><!-- s:( -->

Of course I see the huge effort from Intua with all their updates, but almost every new implemented feature is not target-oriented. And the GUI is also anything else than intuitive (if I just think about the ADSR envelope in drum machine - EACH knob has it's own sub-menu?? <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> )

What do you think?


  • edited 9:47AM
    Kinda reminds me of the fruity loops app- if you aren't already using the desktop version, all of the desktop connection is pointless.
    I do not underestimate steinberg, but I've already invested on Auria as an iOS multitrack, and frankly cubases GUI has always looked "cartoonish" to me.
    Also pay attention in the app description- it says virtual instrument sounds- that means it doesn't have a synth either.
  • Hi,

    You are trying to compare two different apps I think. That would make more sense to compare it with Garageband, FL Studio, Music Studio or Auria.

    It's definitely a great product, however their sampling capabilities don't compare with BM2.
    The "pads" are just a different UI from the keyboard, no parameter edition whatsoever.
    Their keyboard sampler is really basic. There is no chop lab and I don't think they will ever add this one day <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) -->

    Anyway, so far I think it's a good product -- the iOS platform is evolving a lot !

  • edited 9:47AM
    Exactly. But those who are relatively new to music production in general don't remember a time when we used one thing for one purpose, and did it extremely well. The desktop programs over time have all morphed into this all in one mentality, so that's why people try to compare a sampling workstation to a DAW.
    How many threads have we seen on the net over the years comparing protools to fruity loops or some other bs?

    Ps- I think apple shot themselves in the foot by making logic so dumbed down the last 10 years....THAT was the quintessential midi sequencer.
  • David,

    For sure, it will definitely appeal new musicians and it's great for that !
    I did start with Cubase a long time ago, and I learned quite a lot from it, I'm glad it's available on the iPad now!

  • edited 9:47AM
    I was one of those people in 2000 that had cubase and switched to using Fruity Loops and Acid Pro because i couldnt stand the complexity of Cubase. I later switched to Ableton Live because it seemed to wrap the features of Acid Pro and Fruity Loops into one package. I am a bit more skilled in multitracking after doing it so long, but still like a streamlined app. before computers, I created on an MC303, SU700, Quasimidi Polymorph, Korg EX-800, and my guitar with a zoom 505 pedal. I still like a groovebox feel with simple midi sequencing, but occassionally jump to recording full audio only tracks with fx, so i think Audiobus, BM 2, and a Multitrack with a few softsynths lends itself to being a fantastically capable workstation/mini studio all in ipad size.

    Happy to see some 48 track capable apps with good fx, but one does not get a perfect all in one app. Why limit yourself anyway with good virtual midi and audiobus enabling happening now. Pick a couple favorites. I dont want to see BM 2 get lost on trying to capture all the features of Cubase or Auria, and face it, they can't come close to BM 2 for a sampling station. Lets leave it separated a bit and use both.
  • edited 9:47AM
    This is called evolution...

    I also started with Cubase on ATARI ST - with a black/white monitor <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> ... many years ago. At this time it was just a MIDI sequencer. But the demands of the users was growing and of course Steinberg wanted to survive... so audio tracks came to Cubase and it growed to an "all in one" music workstation.

    Same with Ableton. I started with it around 2000 - at this time it was an "audio only" program. But also Ableton liked to survive... so more and more MIDI support was added!

    I'm sure that similar things will happen on iOS - call it Beatmaker or call it Cubasis.

    This is evolution!

    I think in some way you can compare Fruity Loops with ProTools! Both has been growing to "all in one" music workstations - of course they are not 100% cloned and each has it's strengths.
    I dont want to see BM 2 get lost on trying to capture all the features of Cubase or Auria, and face it, they can't come close to BM 2 for a sampling station. Lets leave it separated a bit and use both.
    I also think it's MUCH more better to have quality than quantity!!
    On the other hand companies need to sell their products - so they often think that quantity is the key to be successful (and honestly I feel that Intua likes also quantity over quality).
  • edited 9:47AM
    well,i wouldnt mind to have a ONE app solution on my iPad.It simply IS kinda annoying for me to (pre)produce tracks with BM2,bounce all tracks and copy/paste the whole shit over to auria and mix them there.And Due to the shitty filesystem i have the same files copied over the whole pad (but i recently purchased audioshare,maybe that will help).Currently BM2 is the king for me but i also look forward what Auria 1.5 or even 2.0 will bring us in the future.Midi Tracks,iAPP instruments etc...

    Btw,cubasis calls themselve a"DAW"but has no automation at all.So,good to have them in the boat but thats an easy pass for me.At least for now <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) -->
  • edited 9:47AM
    Well, I appreciate all the optimism in the thread, but even my PC running Ableton is using a few vst's and a separate program for dedicated audio editing, so it cannot do it all in one anyway. I believe having communication between apps is better than having one app trying to solve it all. Maybe it will solve it for some, but I have never run into a program that does it all the best. Usually takes me some kind of combination of programs to achieve everything I want.

    With Audiobus enabled apps and virtual midi, it is possible to really take advantage of specific apps that excel at a specialty, then be able to get the best possible items to talk together and get a great end result. Be it live or recorded.
  • edited 9:47AM
    If any of you are old enough to have used tape, like me, you are still trying to pick your jaw up... The advances in computer based production are nothing short of astonishing.
    Time and time again we've seen great programs on the desktop get more and more bloated, which forces you to upgrade constantly. The computing power of an mpc3000 is laughable, but the timing is rock solid, and it works all the time. Lets focus on clocking precision, low latency, sound quality, and ease and speed of use. And skins. <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) -->
  • edited 9:47AM
    Lets focus on clocking precision, low latency, sound quality, and ease and speed of use. And skins. <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) -->

    thats all i'm talking about.Especially"sound quality".the PEQ was good start but all the other effects still need improvement.Thats all i really want for a more or less professional work.Nearly everything else i need is already there and for me it's not necessary to throw virtual synths in (though i would not say"no")I just mentioned that cause auria will get them sooner or later.
  • edited 9:47AM

    YES! you are so right.

    BM2 is BM2, Steinberg won't come close to it

    When the MPC Fly hardware comes out we need midi learn to connect the Hardware to BM2!
  • edited 9:47AM
    We've got midi learn already! I use my mpd32 with BM2 no problems (except the mute and solo in the mixer don't have the learn function)
    Oh, and thank you for re-opening my eyes to the importance of clocking!!
  • edited 9:47AM

    Thank you for spreading the word. Lets hope they day will come when I can salve BM2 to MPC4000 or Sync Gen!

    Can i assign a midi button control note repeat?
  • edited 9:47AM
    Note repeat works on padKontrol. There are a lot of midi features that are per pad parameters that can be configured for an external controller (I use the Korg padKontrol) or even iOS midi controllers (I use TB Midi Stuff where you can custom build your own controller). You can even have an external controller triggering an iOS controller that triggers a parameter in BM 2, although why you need that much is a little beyond me, but you can do it if you really need to. Very flexible.

    <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D -->
  • edited 9:47AM
    For the same reason I use note repeat button on my MPC4000? How can that be beyond you is difficult for me to understand

    <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: -->
  • edited 9:47AM
    Checked midi learn setting and Note Repeat is not in the list, probably doesn't work then.
  • edited 9:47AM
    No, not every feature works with learn unfortunately. I'm not a fan of tapping on glass so I've always got my hardware hooked up.
    The more functions I can access from my control surface the better!
  • edited 9:47AM
    For the same reason I use note repeat button on my MPC4000? How can that be beyond you is difficult for me to understand

    <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: -->

    I think you misunderstood my post. I was asking why anyone would want to use a hardware controller to control a software controller to control a controller built into your app. For instance why you would run your mpc 4000 to control a program like TB midi stuff to control a program like BM 2. When you could just go straight from the mpc to controlling BM 2 and exclude TB midi stuff as a middleman. My point was that if you really wanted to throw in the middleman too, it is possible.

    If you re-read my post you'll see I use an external controller for note repeat already.

    I've tried using that same setup with success to control the drum sampler in BM 2 with tb midi stuff drum controller triggerred by my padKontrol and controlling Sunrizer with the TB midi stuff keyboard controller all from within TB midi stuff, but it seemed convoluted although it worked.
  • edited 9:47AM
    Core effects...why? They suck!
    Price tag? 50 bucks? auria Pwns you Cubasis
    Why are some of you guys in this forum so obsessed with "almost good"

    Jus curious.

    Auria is getting audiobus and Cubasis is overpriced, and doesnt support virtual vst/vsti (coming to auria). The funny part of this is...cubase is where vsts got their start.
  • edited 9:47AM
    Its kinda like saying figure is reason...
    It isnt...
    Not even a little bit.

    Propellerheads and native instruments dropped the ball on ios! They will regret this mistake I am sure. Every time a new ipad comes out the desktop and laptop loses its grip on audio recording.

    Could you imagine reason ios? A slightly limited reason on ipad...(ipad4 wouldnt have limits, and dont let these morons fool you, they just dont want to hire devs...reason works on a puny puny pc...theres no way it wouldnt work on ipad)

    What about absynth on ipad... Or kontakt.... Or fm8... Or battery?

    The most sad lack of on ipad is APPLES lack or developing for their own device? No logic ios? Wtf?
  • edited 9:47AM
    I find it really bizarre how some companies wont adopt...copy pasteboard still yet...or audiobus.... Are they trying to titanic?
  • edited 9:47AM
    Honestly propellerheads and other companies dont like the price point of the app versus the program. They want almost hardware money...but they will just fall victim to warez...if somebody really wants your app, they are gonna get it...whether they can afford it or not. i think apps are priced a little low, but I bet they are bootlegged much less!
  • edited 9:47AM
    I don't post around here very often but I want the Intua team to know how much of a good job they're doing. The past couple of updates have been ABSOLUTELY amazing. Once Audiobus hit BM2, the app is going to go to another level. Thanks for all the hard work.
  • edited 9:47AM
    what do you mean with clumsy intercace?it looks pretty good on the pictures at least.Is pinch zooming sluggish or smooth like in Beatmaker?

    i like it but without automation,better effects (an eq with just treble and bass?Hello?Thats even worse than the standard BM eq...)or audiobus i'm not even thinking about a purchase.Not to mention the high price.Not worth more then 10,-€ in its current state.
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