Mannie Fresh using Beatmaker 2

edited January 2013 in General
A nice series of videos detailing Mannie and Mos's collab..
Throughout the series Mannie uses BM2 on ipad, and there is one part where he is playing beats from an iphone that sound like some of the BM2 presets...
Start at :45 to see him using BM2


  • edited 2:40AM
    You know Intua did something right when a producer that's likely worth tens of millions of dollars uses a $20 app! BeatMaker 2 isn't perfect, but there is no better way to make beats on the iPad than BM2. NanoStudio is a close second.
  • edited 2:40AM
    A nice series of videos detailing Mannie and Mos's collab..
    Throughout the series Mannie uses BM2 on ipad, and there is one part where he is playing beats from an iphone that sound like some of the BM2 presets...
    Start at :45 to see him using BM2
    I saw it too. But kept it to myself lol. But I find it fascinating he uses bm2, when he could use some big name pc DAW. It shows it's not really about the DAW, but how you use it and that what works for one person may not work for another.

    He has money but he still uses BM2, which costs 20 dollars. I think intua should probably reach out to him for a public endorsement lol <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: --> , or maybe even a little tutorial series.
  • edited 2:40AM
    I'm not saying he uses it exclusively by any means, but it's apparently one of his tools.
    I haven't liked all of his music, but his beats bang, and he's a hard working, level headed role model for young beatmakers everywhere.
  • edited 2:40AM
    I could see intua getting ground from an endorsement spot
  • edited 2:40AM
    Mannnie! Yes!
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