Akai synthstation25

edited September 2011 in Support
I get sound but no midi. Does anyone have a fix for this?
NanoStudio works fine but I need my BM2 to work with a keyboard using the iPhone.


  • edited 1:33AM
    I heard they didn't add SS25 support.

    Stunned to be honest as I've heard it's a 5 minute effort and it was one of the most requested features!

    I'm updating tomorrow but no longer looking forward to the release.
  • edited 1:33AM
    Would be nice to use my keyboard.....don't really like the built in one......#justsayin'
  • edited 1:33AM
    NICE?? it would be fantastic lol. we are close to being signed and all's I've really been using is another popular iphone app with an s25. I like BM2 but I'm limited by the lack of keyboard which is preventing me from using it as much as I'd like. I can't understand either why its not been added as Intua have not answered any posts relating to why it hasn't been added or whether or not it will....shame really <!-- s:( --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" /><!-- s:( -->
  • edited 1:33AM
    They've taken the trouble to add CORE-MIDI, it shouldn't be too hard to support this.

    I'm certainly hoping that they add it, I'd love to use it!
  • edited 1:33AM
    (((Intua please make this happen)))

    To get started as an Akai Pro Developer:1.Send an email to us at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:SS25DeveloperRelations@akaipro.com">SS25DeveloperRelations@akaipro.com</a><!-- e -->. Include:
    ◦Your company name
    ◦Your name, phone number and preferred email contact
    ◦The names of any apps you have already developed
    ◦As much information as you can provide about the app you wish to make compatible with Akai Pro's SynthStation25 hardware
    2.Upon review of your submission you will be provided with an Non-disclosure agreement (NDA).
    3.Read, sign and fax the completed NDA to (401) 658-3640 ATTN: Developer Relations.
    Once approved you will be provided with the AkaiConnect SDK and supporting materials to promote your app's new capabilities. If you implement the AkaiConnect SDK, we will need logos, copy (50 words or less) and screenshots to help us to promote your app with SynthStation25 support online.

    Thanks in advance for your submissions!

    - Akai Pro Developer Relations Team
  • Hi,

    We just received the SDK today and will be looking into it.

  • edited 1:33AM
    Also ( for the Ipad) can you also look into using the Akai LPK 25-( it's like the Synthstation 25 without pitch bending and Mod wheels)?? with the Ipad, there seems to be an power issue( too much draw) using the synthstation vs the LPK to power music apps with the Camera kit..... ... would also be nice to not have to configure it to work- nano Studio and Music studio do this nicely already... Thanks
  • edited 1:33AM
    YAY! I look forward to recording beatmaker with a real keyboard.
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