Project super slow / Pads latency
I worked few hours on project, after relaunching i can't work on it anymore - Pads dont respond or respond with big 1sec latency or play Loops with every note. Can i fix it somehow? How can i recover this project? Any ideas?
Have you got the project to send to Intua ?
@5pinlink Yes i ll send it.
Do you work for Intua?
No, I just know in a case like this with a corrupt project file, they will want it if possible to try and sort it out.
@MarcinQQ @5pinlink Was this project file fixed and/or have there been any other corrupt projects for you since version 3.0.8?
No idea, he never returned to say
Sometimes it's not super obvious but check if repeat is turned on (down the left screen, next to the pad).
It can give the impression there's a delay.
Also worth checking/tweaking is the audio latency is the settings.
Sorry for delay
Yes it was 3.08. Now everything works fine. Thank you