iPad Users?
Anyone out there using BeatMaker on the iPad right now? If so, what are your thoughts so far? Also, I have read that the iPad will support some USB hardware via the camera connector kit. Is it possible to use the camera connector along with something like a Korg nanoPad to control BeatMaker on the iPad?
i also do not own a camera connection kit, but all i have heard is that usb keyboards and usb headsets are working through the usb famera connection kit.
IK Multimedia is releasing the iRig, which will allow users to plug their instruments directly up to the ipad/iphone or ipods. i already have mine on pre-order... they should be out sometime in july. hopefuly by then, the actaully ipad version of beatmaker will be out, so i can move on from the scaled up screen.
i do enjoy beatmaker on ipad more than i ever did on ipod touch.
This app has an enormous potential, and definitely needs a iPad specific format. It would definitely be nice not to only enlarge the current display but to make a better use of the space.
The current menus are not really intuitive and can be improved greatly, especially on the iPad screen.
Hopefully the coders have taken that in consideration and that may explain why the iPad version takes a bit longer to get to us. I hope so!!
Keep up the good work guys. This tool is worth it! Real sequencers/trackers are rare in this world (too many loop editors that don't give much). I'm glad you came up with this "real" thing.
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Joined: Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:22 pm
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It is compatible, they just blow the ui u for the bigger screen. So, it's compatible, but not an ipad version.