How do I use this with Logic?
Hey guys, I use Logic as my daw. I just bought BM3 and would like to know how I would most effectively use this to make beats for Logic? Do I export and import it as an audio file? Can I make the beat in BM3 and sync it with a project? Can I share an editable session to Logic?
How do you guys share your audio to your DAW?
I use an iConnectAudio 4 interface. With that I have 10 virtual channels to route between logic and the iPad. You can either use the iPad as an outboard fx panel or trigger sounds with a midi track in logic. But logic doesn't support Ableton link, that's why I haven't figured out yet how to sync logic with a sequencer on the iPad. But still, it's absolutely great to route between the computer and iPad. Highly recommended!
Hi. I have the same question. What does that mean? Can I use Beatmaker 3 (didn't bought it yet) to use it as a midi step sequencer in Logic? So can I load any drum kit into logic, write in the beats in Beatmaker 3 and send the midi signals directly to play in logic?
Could you please describe a little bit your workflow or the possibilities? I'm really interested in using it with Logic instead of buying sth. like Maschine. Will this be possible?
You can't use BM3 (the iOS Version) within Logic like a plugin.
But as I've just learned now - there will be a BM3 macOS Version some time in the future.
The macOS App should then be loadable as an AU Plugin in Logic - and used just as all the other instruments.
And I guess that project transfer between the iOS and macOS App should be pretty smooth (as long as you print your iOS instruments as Audio within the project - or maybe it could do that automatically when your're transferring)
But either way, it should be great.
Well.... then they should REALLY think hard about it.
Because even though I would also be really interested in a standalone Version of BM3.
Making it compatible with Logic (as a plugin) would be a really great and wise move.
Logic is still hard to beat on macOS for the extent of it's features.
But nonetheless - if it's working as a full fledged DAW (unlimited effects and Routing, automation, etc.) AND supporting AU - maybe I'll ditch Logic
We'll see.
I guess both versions would support a smooth project transfer from iOS I guess - which for me plays a huge part in finally making the iPad a real viable tool for (pre)production. (especially on the go)
8 out 10 times I won't start/use the iPad and fiddle around with it, when I have the big setup at home ready to start and no need for transferring stuff the complicated way.
I’m fairly certain that no MacOS version of BeatMaker will replace Logic as a DAW for me. I probably wouldn’t buy a standalone version of BM3 for Mac. Logic hosting BM3 would be another story, though.