Note mapping - slice to pads
If I use the autoslice feature of BM3 and then let it automatically spread the slices across the pads - every pad has the same midi note assigned (C3).
Is there a setting I just didn't see - or is it just not working how I would expect it?
Because now I would have to manually change every pad to a different note - so that I can trigger the pads individually from a midi keyboard/midi drumpad. (super annoying)
Can I make BM3 to do this automatically?
BeatMaker can do that by using SLICE TO SINGLE LAYER or MULTIPLE LAYERS.
The slices will remain on that pad, but they will be spread in several key-groups onto the mapping.
Using "Focus Actions" in the settings, you can also configure any of your MIDI devices to trigger pads, instead of trying to match their base key.