For Import there's always a work-around or two. For AudioShare one can use the iCloud Drive/ route.
AudioShare is also about to get a 'fix' sorting out some iOS11 related issues regarding 'Open In...' that many use for sending files to other apps.
Don't know when 3.0.6 will drop but hopefully soonish.(Currently in Beta 3).
@Looper said:
Was wondering if there is any news in regards to an iPhone release for BM3 yet?
There was a lot of invisible backend rework in the previous release towards this goal, I know that doesn’t answer your question, but it does say it is still a fairly high priority.
For Import there's always a work-around or two. For AudioShare one can use the iCloud Drive/ route.
AudioShare is also about to get a 'fix' sorting out some iOS11 related issues regarding 'Open In...' that many use for sending files to other apps.
Don't know when 3.0.6 will drop but hopefully soonish.(Currently in Beta 3).
So what is this magical way you speak of? Can you give a quick link or description?
3.0.6 is scheduled for the middle of next week if everything goes expected!
Then it's up to Apple to review it promptly :-)
Looking forward to it!
Still on 3.0.3, will POWERRR!
Whoot! I am clutching rosary beads and rocking back and forth in a corner as we speak!
Was wondering if there is any news in regards to an iPhone release for BM3 yet?
There was a lot of invisible backend rework in the previous release towards this goal, I know that doesn’t answer your question, but it does say it is still a fairly high priority.