AUi - Axon 02 - Audio Damage
[App Store]("App Store")
Size - 23mb
IOS - 9.3+
Format - AU/Standalone
Post any issues you have found.
[App Store]("App Store")
Size - 23mb
IOS - 9.3+
Format - AU/Standalone
Post any issues you have found.
What do you mean by "yearly wipeout"? edit* Oh I see you're editing out all your comments. May I ask why?
Some crashes (iOS 9.3.1 @ iPad Pro 10,5"). When crashes it clear your adjustments so is safer if you save it in a preset.
It starts to sound rigth on BM play. You have midi notes to aditionally trigger individual sounds.
There is also a midi note to trigger Axon pulses. You can stop his sequencer by setting sync to internal (and pressing his play-"Int clock" button to really stop it, wich seems a little bug) to make it sound only when you want. However, seems it behaves differently, like with different (lower) threshold levels (the sounds triggers more frequently).