Thought I would come up with a little challenge that could turn into a tip/trick for users. This is part needing a workaround and to benefit users who want to control lights in BeatMaker 3. This is also an attempt to push a feature request. That feature request would be independent fixed velocities with link layers. This is also to show how wonderful this could be if we had it. And now being used to discover bugs that affect all users.
Find a workaround to restore volume of a pad that has fixed velocity closest to it's lowest level (0 and up). The lower you can do this, the better. We need to find a method that uses the lowest resources. So if an effect is going to increase the volume it also can't degrade the audio output and can't choke the audio engine.
Partial WORKAROUND/TIP BY @5pinlink (+1)
Bypass Note velocity in sample modulations panel of pad to restore volume 100%. Midi input and output (not just for lights) works only on touching iPad. Not controller itself from my tests. Will test with more controllers. Gain is still adjustable/automatable!
This challenge has led to the discovery of BeatMaker 3 bugs/limitations. I will hotlink those threads here:
This is taken direct from the manual. Challenge 2 is to see if this is working for users with external controllers. You don't need to worry about output at this time. Only MIDI input. Set the MIDI input of a pad to your controller (external or virtual are fine). That same pad, set MIDI fixed velocity to something other than full velocity. Trigger that pad with your controller (IN THIS CHALLENGE YOU CANNOT TRIGGER THE PAD WITH YOUR FINGER) Does it trigger the velocity you set? Let me know and the results will be dedicated to you in this thread!
Just so we are clear, you want pads and events to send velocity, but you want the sample on said pad to not change volume.
And linking two pads, one with velocity and no sample, and the other with sample and velocity bypassed in modulations doesnt work right ?
But anyway, again this would best be achieved by a MIDI AU velocity remapper, we need a developer who can slap little utility MIDI AUs together.
Yes to first response. Well ideally it would be nice to still modulate its volume.
Regardless of fixed velocity being set on either pad, if the pads are linked fixed velocity has priority for both. I don’t think bypassing does anything. Can’t remember if I tested this. This will be a good test. Pad doesn’t have to be empty. I’m even talking about non-linked pads. An AU that could allow static velocity and gain control simultaneously would be a dream come true for users with controllers that have RGB controlled by velocity values 0-127. The problem is the midi value can’t change for initial controller. This non existing AU would have to be a remapper and volume mixer simultaneously.
@5pinlink also Midi output only happens on screen for whichever pad you trigger. They are not linked even if you do link them and have their output set. So that's the opposite of a link which I find strange since both record their midi input.
I have literally no idea what you want to be honest, i will keep out of this entirely and watch on from the sidelines
Lol. Okay. I just need to see if there is a way to restore volume of a fixed velocity pad. That's it. And I'm dealing with -144db of volume loss. Because the APC40 only has 6 velocities to change lights. Sadly they are 0-6. On any LaunchPad this covers all velocity values. But users are stuck with those velocities. As am I with the APC40. And any user who has a controller with RGB controlled by velocity output.
@5pinlink doesn’t matter. I think you solved it I just have to plug up a controller to find out.
@5pinlink So...yes bypassing note velocity in modulations restores the volume. Thank you but this is half the battle. The other battle is possible bugs. And I will have to post a thread for these.
Firstly, fixed velocity bar is triggering a previous pads velocity before the new pads velocity. This is a bug and can be seen without a controller. Just watch the trigger section.
Secondly, there seems to be no difference with controllers using the fixed velocity bar or the fixed velocity setting for MIDI. I am not understanding the difference between the two. Which is why I feel it is a bug, but maybe it's not.
5pin wins! Shortest challenge ever! . Top thread updated.
Rocking and rolling buddy! Thanks for solving it. New challenge is up for anyone who wants to wrack their brain. Lol.