Crashes trying to record AU automation.
Trying to record automation of AU perforator. Any way I try it crashes. If I bind the parameter to a macro and hit record it crashes. If I try and record moving the Au parameter knob it cashes. Is this a known thing? Is it a b3 issue ?
Edit: this is happening with an au fx on a pad as opposed to a bank ...
There have been some reports on this issue
I mostly get these crashes if the track is playing when I hit record. I've had success stopping the track first and then pressing record. If you want to record automation to the track rather than the pattern, you can place the playhead before so you don't have to play all the stuff prior to when you want the automation to start.
@ronji thanks man. Unfortunately none of those things worked. The crash stopped every so often if I started record from stop, but nothing actually recorded. I had automation r3cord switched on.