Cant connect to that garbage at all today, that thing is useless compared to iRC !!
Apparently they are trying to fix it, we shall see, the problem with trying to be modern about everything, is you get all the modern problems, IRC works on solar powered calculators from the 80s.
Just wanted to quickly mention we are now up to 22 active users on the Discord chat.
Its a great way to talk about Beatmaker and iOS music, get some live technical advice, or simply just pass the time with all your favourite forum regulars.
Forum has been real busy with releases, exactly like i predicted lol.
I still prefer any support wuestions to be asked on the forum, so that they are in Google search.
Cleaned the thread, lets start again in the year 2018 then hahaha
Pretty sure this Discord is the keeper for now, so stickying the thread for a little while.
Cool. I'm in the room.
Come join the chat
Discord visitors (so far) include:
@5pinlink, @tk32, @huphtur, @ronji, @Xyl_Run
Come join the chat
Chat about whatever you want
For those who haven't joint the chat yet, I just wanted to let you know that you're missing out on all kinds of cool stuff, such as..
There are 11 users in the chat so far
Gabber, not gabba. Big difference (if you're Dutch).
The above invite has expired
Here's a fresh one I set to never expire
The first one was set to never expire ?????
I have recreated it as permanent again, but we are goiing to need to keep an eye on it.
Dunno man, it’s expired now. Not sure why.
I have an idea, possibly when i changed the name of the chat yesterday
Cant connect to that garbage at all today, that thing is useless compared to iRC !!
Apparently they are trying to fix it, we shall see, the problem with trying to be modern about everything, is you get all the modern problems, IRC works on solar powered calculators from the 80s.
We probably should have just gone with slack
It'll be fine. Let's give Discord a fair hearing before we go and migrate again.
Their servers probably weren't equipped for the massive influx of the Beatmaker boys
FYI - servers seem back to normal now..
Come join the chat
(That includes you @DeanDaughters )
Too much chat and social media.

Not enough hours in the day.
Slack goes down too, sometimes. I've seen Slack go down for longer periods of time than Discord did this morning.
Understood. Just wanted you to know we enjoy your company (and good vibes)
...and down again on the mobile app...
Yeah it has been up and down all day here, hopefully they will fix it soon
Seems to down again
Link in first post says expired?
Works fine here ?
Just created a new permo invite, its the same link, so no idea what happened for you ?
Just wanted to quickly mention we are now up to 22 active users on the Discord chat.
Its a great way to talk about Beatmaker and iOS music, get some live technical advice, or simply just pass the time with all your favourite forum regulars.
Come and join the chat..
Seems there is a temporary outage on the Discord chat server atm
Edit: nevermind, seems to be fixed already.
If anyone is wondering why it's a bit quiet here in the forums lately, it's because lots of discussion now hapoens live in the Discord chat.
We are up to 60 members now.
Hop in!
Forum has been real busy with releases, exactly like i predicted lol.
I still prefer any support wuestions to be asked on the forum, so that they are in Google search.