If I've learned one thing from battle one, it's that the rules don't really matter anyway. No one is gonna get disqualified or anything. Make something in a month that at least loosely follows the rules. If I don't worry about the rules too much I'll definitely be able to submit something this round.
Musicians are some of the biggest divas going. If you guys didn't know that already, you must have only ever jammed in your bedrooms.
Let's give each battle the benefit of the doubt. Experience will point us to set better restrictions, rather than those with the loudest opinions. For me it's simple: Winner chooses... every time!
And also no offense but I feel that no submissions = no right to give advice/complain
I, for one, have already downloaded the drum kit (I signed up w/ email - no biggie; Dean's stuff is great anyway) and have already started building some different beats and 4-bar loops.
I am currently restricting myself to the unedited version of Dean's Copper Kit, but soon I'll be wanting to add some bass and leads/pads -- unless this is to remain a purely rhythmic challenge?
The restriction I'm imposing on myself is not to add any drum samples outside of the kit, though I'd like Dean to decide if it's cool for me to tweak what's already here...
Let's keep things light, fun, creative, entertaining, and friendly. Please.
Cool. Downloaded now and started something. Gonna limit myself to only those samples in the kit and see how it goes.. Hopefully get time to work more on it next week and finish.
You should probably start a separate Battle 02 thread for sticky
@tk32 I didn't mean to be a 'diva'... Was just saying I didn't find the kinda vague 'here's a drumkit, use it on a track' to be inspiring as to make me want to work on something new specific for the battle outside of everything else I'm working on atm..Didn't mean to offend anyone (fwiw I fielded way harsher criticism re my brief for battle 01;). I wouldn't have even said anything except @DeanDaughters literally said 'we can add restrictions' etc..
@DeanDaughters said:
Yeah, I figure there would be backlash to me giving away a FREE DRUMKIT for beatmaker 3 and asking for people to give their email address even though it only takes a second to unsubscribe in the future...
I am not asking anyone for any money - there is no hidden sales commodification to get the FREE drumkit.
Good thing you didn't ask for money. That would be shameful.
Why would you want email addresses to participate? If you figured there'd be a backlash, why do it? You must of known of the implications.
Why didn't you vote? I know you listened.
I enjoy creating my own sounds, I vote to NOT use your FREE DRUM KIT But rather a list of ingredients to cook our own. It's only my vote and to each their own.
Of course you are the winner of B1 and the law is that the winner sets the rules, so I abide although with eyebrows raised.
Viva la diva. Making music is all that matters, in the end.
Enter the battle / use the kit / don't use the kit / bend the rules / go flick paint against a wall / just make something ffs.
This battle has been the most productive thing going on in this forum, and it's been constantly under threat of over-analysis and being still-born. (@Heyez, I never called you a diva specifically; I said all musicians -- I think you self-certified )
Yea - i wish there were more than 5 entries for battle #1, but thank f*** some of you are actually participating.
In the words of Jakob Haq... "go finger something"(...then post your entries here)
"OK. I'M DONE. What the fuck is the age group here?"
Thats what I wrote in a hot headed response. I'm not deleting it, even if it is embarrassing. Pretty childish for a 42 year old, I'll admit it myself. But I must be missing something. I'm not taking sides, or at least, trying not to, but name calling, CAPITAL LETTERS, "backlash".
I'm going to try and pipe this emotion usefully, if I can resit fucking the iPad out of the window with frustration, but even if it means I myself am barred, I insist that some action is taken here to put some decency into this forum before it completely deteriorates. It feels like fucking kindergarten in here at times. I'd be the otherwise quiet kid trashing tables in a blind rage because the teacher denied getting a fact wrong. Can we please cut out the shit please? Or have a dedicated garden walled passive aggressive thread so adult humans can pretend they are 14? (No offence to younger users - this is frustration with the tone here).
Thanks for the drum kit. Some nice sounds there. I’m all in with the new battle - no excuses when it’s this open. I hereby pledge to actually get something finished this month.
To anybody who doesn’t like the rules, the solution is obvious: win this battle, choose the rules for next battle. ;-)
It really is. I’m taking inspiration from the sounds there, even from the arrangement of the pads, and have recorded a handful of patterns I can work with.
Just tuning the samples and editing their envelopes gives me a fresh respect for Beatmaker 3. The sample editor is a delight to use and sounds so good.
I now have about 4 decent rhythm grooves/loops each with a different feel, and currently deciding which direction to branch off in for the rest of the track...
It's great to see new entrants getting on board with these battles
Glad to hear that you guys are getting some inspiration from the drumkit!
I spent a lot of time hand-choosing all of these drum sounds so that quite a few different ideas/styles can be created imho - I'm hoping that we're about to get TREATED to a really wide range of music all made with Beatmaker 3 from this challenge
I am keeping out of the competitions as promised and should not of even made my earlier suggestion, i wont be getting involved again but lets keep it civil folks, its just a forum for some software at the end of the day
@5pinlink said:
I am keeping out of the competitions as promised and should not of even made my earlier suggestion, i wont be getting involved again but lets keep it civil folks, its just a forum for some software at the end of the day
Would really love to hear one of your tracks some day, but fair enough. Hope you didn't think any of my posts were directed at you (they weren't).
One favour I would like to ask is if you would kindly make the Battle 2 thread a sticky? Thanks.
@tk32 -
So if your 'And also no offense but I feel that no submissions = no right to give advice/complain' comment wasn't directed at @5pinlink then it must have been aimed at me. Nice attitude to throw at someone who took the time to get the ball rolling... Cheers.
And all the kind of 'don't worry about the rules, just do what you like' nonsense that people are saying.. Seriously, what's the point? Everyone might as well just throw in their favourite recent jam they produced and it just be a straight up 'track contest'. Every other forum that I've participated in battles in people have fun with varyingly complex battles while still taking it seriously/being challenged/discussing the battle...dunno why that's so hard for people on this forum and shit always winds up in ridiculous, unnecessary, tedious hyperbole and banter... Ughsville...Population approx 10.
@Heyez please stop with the victim complex, I've not said a bad word against you ever, just indicating there is a lot of battle advice (and criticism) coming from people who don't contribute.
Battle 1 was 'what can you make from random radio samples'
Battle 2 is 'what can you make with this 32-piece drum kit'
Both seem perfectly valid to me for now... and when I win this battle I have a really great (restrictive) idea for Battle 3!!
@tk32 Dude there was no battle criticism of dean's battle brief from anyone that didn't contribute, except from me. Then you wrote it, so I just did the math....
No 'victim complex'....Tho that's exactly the kind of unnecessary hyperbole that I was talking about on this forum..
Edit and battle 2 isn't -' what can you make from this 32 piece drumkit' at all.... It's 'use this drumkit and the rest of the universe, minus drums'... Big difference... Doesn't really make me that interested to try but obvs YMMV..
I think less restrictive is the best way to kick start the battles, and once we have built a community we will have the luxury of tightening the rules/restrictions _without_ putting people off entering.
Goes both ways. I'd guess that battles like this one are too 'open' to really engage some users. So either way you're gonna lose entries. Complex/limited vs Easy/open shouldn't be a consideration when people are making rules... Imo the person making the rules should just outline something that they'd be interested in doing themselves that feels kinda different to standard day to day BM3 and hope for the best re entries.. Can feel kinda patronising/uninspiring otherwise..
@tk32 said:
I wonder if @mathieugarcia would spare a few moments away from building 3.0.4 to cast a vote?
Still waiting for some of the established forum users to chime in too, such as @king, @drez, @samu . Would also love @Brambos to get involved
Hey @tk32 ! So flattered you thought of me to vote. Makes my day! BUT... I make it a life rule not to get involved with music competitions. My life is competitive enough that when I write music, it’s just for the joy of it. When people post music, I’m just super stoked that they put their stuff out for others to hear. If I felt like my music had to be judged all the time, it would suck the joy out of the one real creative outlet I have. I make music because it’s a creative release. Having to vote on who’s “song” is better than another’s just feels completely wrong for me personally.
I don’t disagree with what you guys are doing at all! If you good folk want to put up your dukes and have a competition, that’s great! Good luck out there I just don’t feel comfortable judging art.
@5pinlink said:
I am keeping out of the competitions as promised and should not of even made my earlier suggestion, i wont be getting involved again but lets keep it civil folks, its just a forum for some software at the end of the day
Would really love to hear one of your tracks some day, but fair enough. Hope you didn't think any of my posts were directed at you (they weren't).
One favour I would like to ask is if you would kindly make the Battle 2 thread a sticky? Thanks.
I am a terrible Musician, you are missing nothing.
New battle is stickied and i also took the liberty of renaming it to match the first, if anybody has a problem with that, I actually dont care anymore, tell it to Intua.
I didnt say i wasnt a musician.
I said i was a terrible musician
The reason i am not involved in the competitions is because im not that interested in these sorts of competitions.
I like simple basic restrictions.
DV comps = Heres an onld vinyl recording, sample it make a tune.
For me BM3 competitions should be "Heres this months theme, go make a tune or drumloop or kit or synth based on this theme, you can only use BM3 nothing else"
But as i have just stated in the BM2 thread, the rules are made by the winner, if you have a problem go win, i just dont care enough to try and win.
But good luck to everybody i enjoyed the tunes from BB1
If I've learned one thing from battle one, it's that the rules don't really matter anyway. No one is gonna get disqualified or anything. Make something in a month that at least loosely follows the rules. If I don't worry about the rules too much I'll definitely be able to submit something this round.
Musicians are some of the biggest divas going. If you guys didn't know that already, you must have only ever jammed in your bedrooms.
Let's give each battle the benefit of the doubt. Experience will point us to set better restrictions, rather than those with the loudest opinions. For me it's simple: Winner chooses... every time!
And also no offense but I feel that no submissions = no right to give advice/complain
I, for one, have already downloaded the drum kit (I signed up w/ email - no biggie; Dean's stuff is great anyway) and have already started building some different beats and 4-bar loops.
I am currently restricting myself to the unedited version of Dean's Copper Kit, but soon I'll be wanting to add some bass and leads/pads -- unless this is to remain a purely rhythmic challenge?
The restriction I'm imposing on myself is not to add any drum samples outside of the kit, though I'd like Dean to decide if it's cool for me to tweak what's already here...
Let's keep things light, fun, creative, entertaining, and friendly. Please.
"No limitations etc? Like I could just use one kick out of that kit and use a hundred other kits as well?"
Of course not - you would use the provided drumkit for your drum sounds.
If you need more of a challenge, maybe try to write in a genre that you do not usually write in?
By making these challenges easy(ier) at the start, we are more likely to get more people on board(?)
IMHO - Right now, we have very little interest in these challenges, save for a very few of us that are already here on the forum.
Using the free drumkit I made - I was hoping to attract more attention and entries to these challenges.
Cool. Downloaded now and started something. Gonna limit myself to only those samples in the kit and see how it goes.. Hopefully get time to work more on it next week and finish.
You should probably start a separate Battle 02 thread for sticky
Good thing you didn't ask for money. That would be shameful.
Why would you want email addresses to participate? If you figured there'd be a backlash, why do it? You must of known of the implications.
Why didn't you vote? I know you listened.
I enjoy creating my own sounds, I vote to NOT use your FREE DRUM KIT But rather a list of ingredients to cook our own. It's only my vote and to each their own.
Of course you are the winner of B1 and the law is that the winner sets the rules, so I abide although with eyebrows raised.
Yes, and seeing as how i DIDNT , you didnt need to post this
Viva la diva. Making music is all that matters, in the end.
Enter the battle / use the kit / don't use the kit / bend the rules / go flick paint against a wall / just make something ffs.
This battle has been the most productive thing going on in this forum, and it's been constantly under threat of over-analysis and being still-born. (@Heyez, I never called you a diva specifically; I said all musicians -- I think you self-certified
Yea - i wish there were more than 5 entries for battle #1, but thank f*** some of you are actually participating.
In the words of Jakob Haq... "go finger something" (...then post your entries here)
"OK. I'M DONE. What the fuck is the age group here?"
Thats what I wrote in a hot headed response. I'm not deleting it, even if it is embarrassing. Pretty childish for a 42 year old, I'll admit it myself. But I must be missing something. I'm not taking sides, or at least, trying not to, but name calling, CAPITAL LETTERS, "backlash".
I'm going to try and pipe this emotion usefully, if I can resit fucking the iPad out of the window with frustration, but even if it means I myself am barred, I insist that some action is taken here to put some decency into this forum before it completely deteriorates. It feels like fucking kindergarten in here at times. I'd be the otherwise quiet kid trashing tables in a blind rage because the teacher denied getting a fact wrong. Can we please cut out the shit please? Or have a dedicated garden walled passive aggressive thread so adult humans can pretend they are 14? (No offence to younger users - this is frustration with the tone here).
Good night.
Congrats @DeanDaughters.
Thanks for the drum kit. Some nice sounds there. I’m all in with the new battle - no excuses when it’s this open. I hereby pledge to actually get something finished this month.
To anybody who doesn’t like the rules, the solution is obvious: win this battle, choose the rules for next battle. ;-)
Nice kit btw @DeanDaughters
Channeling to 153 BPM
It really is. I’m taking inspiration from the sounds there, even from the arrangement of the pads, and have recorded a handful of patterns I can work with.
Just tuning the samples and editing their envelopes gives me a fresh respect for Beatmaker 3. The sample editor is a delight to use and sounds so good.
This is exactly what I'm doing too @TheMediocritist
I now have about 4 decent rhythm grooves/loops each with a different feel, and currently deciding which direction to branch off in for the rest of the track...
It's great to see new entrants getting on board with these battles
Whoop Whoop!
Glad to hear that you guys are getting some inspiration from the drumkit!
I spent a lot of time hand-choosing all of these drum sounds so that quite a few different ideas/styles can be created imho - I'm hoping that we're about to get TREATED to a really wide range of music all made with Beatmaker 3 from this challenge
Stay creative and HAVE FUN!
Would really love to hear one of your tracks some day, but fair enough. Hope you didn't think any of my posts were directed at you (they weren't).
One favour I would like to ask is if you would kindly make the Battle 2 thread a sticky? Thanks.
So if your 'And also no offense but I feel that no submissions = no right to give advice/complain' comment wasn't directed at @5pinlink then it must have been aimed at me. Nice attitude to throw at someone who took the time to get the ball rolling... Cheers.
And all the kind of 'don't worry about the rules, just do what you like' nonsense that people are saying.. Seriously, what's the point? Everyone might as well just throw in their favourite recent jam they produced and it just be a straight up 'track contest'. Every other forum that I've participated in battles in people have fun with varyingly complex battles while still taking it seriously/being challenged/discussing the battle...dunno why that's so hard for people on this forum and shit always winds up in ridiculous, unnecessary, tedious hyperbole and banter... Ughsville...Population approx 10.
@Heyez please stop with the victim complex, I've not said a bad word against you ever, just indicating there is a lot of battle advice (and criticism) coming from people who don't contribute.
Battle 1 was 'what can you make from random radio samples'
Battle 2 is 'what can you make with this 32-piece drum kit'
Both seem perfectly valid to me for now... and when I win this battle I have a really great (restrictive) idea for Battle 3!!
No 'victim complex'....Tho that's exactly the kind of unnecessary hyperbole that I was talking about on this forum..
Edit and battle 2 isn't -' what can you make from this 32 piece drumkit' at all.... It's 'use this drumkit and the rest of the universe, minus drums'... Big difference... Doesn't really make me that interested to try but obvs YMMV..
I think less restrictive is the best way to kick start the battles, and once we have built a community we will have the luxury of tightening the rules/restrictions _without_ putting people off entering.
Looking forward to seeing how everyone does...
@triton100 "this thread has been more entertaining than housewives of Atlanta."
Hey @tk32 ! So flattered you thought of me to vote. Makes my day! BUT... I make it a life rule not to get involved with music competitions. My life is competitive enough that when I write music, it’s just for the joy of it. When people post music, I’m just super stoked that they put their stuff out for others to hear. If I felt like my music had to be judged all the time, it would suck the joy out of the one real creative outlet I have. I make music because it’s a creative release. Having to vote on who’s “song” is better than another’s just feels completely wrong for me personally.
I don’t disagree with what you guys are doing at all! If you good folk want to put up your dukes and have a competition, that’s great! Good luck out there
I just don’t feel comfortable judging art.
Hugs all around!
FYI... all the tunes are great!
I am a terrible Musician, you are missing nothing.
New battle is stickied and i also took the liberty of renaming it to match the first, if anybody has a problem with that, I actually dont care anymore, tell it to Intua.
If not a musician, you sound like you'd be an awesome mastering engineer.
I didnt say i wasnt a musician.
I said i was a terrible musician
The reason i am not involved in the competitions is because im not that interested in these sorts of competitions.
I like simple basic restrictions.
DV comps = Heres an onld vinyl recording, sample it make a tune.
For me BM3 competitions should be "Heres this months theme, go make a tune or drumloop or kit or synth based on this theme, you can only use BM3 nothing else"
But as i have just stated in the BM2 thread, the rules are made by the winner, if you have a problem go win, i just dont care enough to try and win.
But good luck to everybody i enjoyed the tunes from BB1