Beatmaker 2 updates???

edited November 2009 in General
This is an awfully painful wait, any idea when we will get some info intua?


  • edited 12:03AM
    You must be new around here....

    No one speaks of beatmaker 2.... it's taboo around these parts. We've asked a hundred times and we're lucky to get a "it's done when it's done"
    response. I have a feeling beatmaker 2 is going to be optimized for the newer idevices. So start saving your pennies if you want to be able to run this! (it's just a hunch)
  • edited 12:03AM
    backwards compatibility is probably high on the list considering we were the first customers... well i hope so anyway, because i am not prepared to purchase 3GS to run beatmaker! (well if i could afford it i would)

    considering what we are already able to do with a previous generation, we may not even need more powerful phones to experience an upgraded feature set! (again i hope....)
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