FTP Connection

edited February 2011 in Support
I'm using an FTP client to upload my samples to BM2. I tried a few and they seemed to work fine. But after a minute I got a connection error saying "Please tell me who you are". Now it won't connect at all. I gotta say, I would rather upload my stuff the old way. This seems like adding a middle man into a process that I felt did'nt need it.


  • edited 1:13PM
    It does seem a bit awkward, particularly after itunes app file sharing has become so common. Hopefully intua'll sort this ASAP
  • edited 1:13PM
    I agree, the wi-fi transfers with Beatpack were bad enough, this FTP business is just ridiculous. Through all the errors and broken connections I've managed to upload about 100MB of samples in 8 hours. I'm tired of developers being lazy and not using the inbuilt iOS file transfer system.
  • edited 1:13PM
    works fine for me.
  • edited 1:13PM
    Me too...
  • edited 1:13PM
    So you guys find transferring files on a modern device at 500 kb/s or less acceptable? Even if your FTP is working the best case scenario is still too slow and cumbersome. A USB enabled device with an OS supported GUI file transfer system using FTP is ridiculous.
  • edited 1:13PM
    Using FTP does kind of suck, but I got 500MB of samples into BM2 in less than a couple of minutes so I'm not sure what's slowing you down.
  • edited 1:13PM
    I've never been able to get the FTP transfer to work. My FTP clients cant connect to the iphone no matter what I do.
    Anyone got any ideas out there?

    The IP address is fine, port number is fine, but I cant ping the iphone ip address either. Could something else be going on here ? BM1 connects fine.
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