Headphone recommendation for BM2

edited February 2011 in Support
Hello, Dam now with this new BM2 i need some new headphones any recommendation in a $50-$100 price range?


  • edited 4:01AM
    If you don't mind wearing big goofy DJ style phones in public I'd recommend the Sennheiser HD212 Pro. They go for about $60 at GC. Good sound and the headphone cord is replaceable.
  • I keep seeing good reviews for Sanheiser HD-201's. They are below your price range, $25-$30 but are supposed to sound great. Maybe someone else can comment on these if they have them; I'm looking for new headphones as well, my iPhone earbuds are NOT cutting it!
  • edited 4:01AM
    Big and goofy is good. something studio quality, covering the ears, with bass. oh and durable....I heard the Dr. Dre's are super but $300 is a no go <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->
  • edited 4:01AM
    Big and goofy is good. something studio quality, covering the ears, with bass. oh and durable....I heard the Dr. Dre's are super but $300 is a no go <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->

    Sennheiser HD595 is what you want. $140 at Amazon, so maybe a little over your budget but if you can cough up a little more money, they sound great.
  • edited 4:01AM
    Ya they look good. and look pretty durable. what about the Sennheiser HD555 their $50 cheaper. if there not as good please let me know. i don't mind doing the $140 for the HD95 if there a lot better?
  • edited 4:01AM
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.turntablelab.com/dj_equipment/71/145/86498.html">http://www.turntablelab.com/dj_equipmen ... 86498.html</a><!-- m -->

    I want those, a bit more $$$ then you said, but it's always better to save a bit more and get something of quality. I have bought under $100 headphones before and regret it.
  • edited 4:01AM

    I have bought under $100 headphones before and regret it.

    It heard that, what i want to avoid!
  • edited 4:01AM
    Ya they look good. and look pretty durable. what about the Sennheiser HD555 their $50 cheaper. if there not as good please let me know. i don't mind doing the $140 for the HD95 if there a lot better?

    The HD555 don't look bad, but the H595 have a much wider level of audible frequency range, so the highs and lows will sound much better. The only downside to either of them is that they're open headphones, which means their soundstage is much better than closed headphones, but more sound leaks out of them, so people around you might be able to hear what you're listening to if you like to listen to music loudly.

    So, that said, if you'lll be using them where people won't get on your case if they can hear some music coming from your headphones, definitely get the HD595 headphones! 4 1/2 stars out of 5 with 275 reviews on Amazon can't be wrong!
  • edited 4:01AM
    I recommend UltraEars. They are badass. I have owned Bose and they were mad comfy but broke easily. I have a pair of Senn and they are good too. Shure and Etymotic are also really good. Look for em all on sale and you can snag a 150 dollar pair for about 70 bucks at a lot of places. I got my UEs on sale and they are amazing. Remember you get what you pay for with headphones. I'd stay away from the Bose ones though, they sound pretty decent but are not durable at all.
  • edited 4:01AM
    hi there, im been using an AKG K71 Studio since when im playing my guitar, or even doing some mixes on my computer, and yes all i can say is my money is worth it, why?, cause the durability is really high! why? cause if im not making music, im watching movies and when watching movies my neck hurts cause im watching movies for like alot of hours like 6 or 7, when im watching a long period of time, im using a pillow on the back or beside of my head while using this headphones, and all i can say try to use some other headphone while you using a pillow on your head its like your sleeping with a headphone on your head and lets see if your headphone wont wreck, but on this AKG K71 Studio they are really the best its been stumbled and drop for so many times, and still its built to last, my only problem is the sticker on the side of the can is been removed because when im using the pillow lol, all i can say Quality is really the best!, and now for the sound, i had already said that from Guitar to PC to Djing( im not a dj) but im just using some like Tracktor or Virtual DJ to make some mixes, and even i had use this on a party where there i am the one who is playing or a Dj of the party, and by using for the iPhone, i have no complain cause i cant even get to the max volume cause its really loud and clear, Bass Treble Mid and everything you can all hear it loud and clear, but yet the price is 200+ idk the price cause on the store that i had buyed it i only got it for 180Euro and the dealer said it was 200+ and they give me a discount.

    AKG k71 Studio Price range: 200+ Euros

    High Quality Build
    High Quality Sounds Loud and Clear
    Use it even while on bed or have a pillow on your head ( cause its been approve by me ) Built to Last!

    Sticker on the side of the headphone will come off
    It will be uncomfortable if its summer cause it has leather cuff not foam
    It might peirce you ear when you wear it for a long time like ( 6 to + Hours ) lol cause i had felt it on that long term of use

    but all i can say is its a good headphone, but yet i still want to but the Sony V6 it worth like 99$ but yet idk if it worth it, but yet i still want to try it.

    P.S. im using this headphone on this BM2 and yet what i had said i cant put the max volume cause its really loud and clear. ^_^
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