iOs pasteboard crashing

edited February 2011 in Support
Has anybody actually managed to copy any audio from the app into the clipboard without it crashing the target application? Nanostudio, Audioforge and Audioview all crash when i try to either paste in (ns) or bridge the audio to audio clipboard.
I think this has worked once for me which renders a lot of the sample manipulation stuff stranded within the confines of BM2. Shame.
Anybody got any workarounds?


  • edited 3:00AM
    Just to clarify you mean copying something you made in M and copying/pasting into another app right?
  • edited 3:00AM
    Yes. So for example -

    1 - import track from Sharing tab 'ipod import' > trim out a loop and then save it as test.wav >Sharing >Pasteboard > Export BM2 to iOS > select test.wav.
    2- Open AudioView > Brigde > Select Pasteboard.wav > AudioCopy and Paste - this causes a crash.

    The same is true with a direct paste into NanoStudio. And also Audioforge.

    I know that it would be easy to say that this is a bug with the target apps but i've never had trouble with them before. Perhaps it is something to do with the generated wav?

    Has anybody actually got a loop from BM2 out into another app?
  • edited 3:00AM
    I can confirm this, same behavior, pasting from pasteboard when copied from BM2 into Nanostudio crashes it.
    But pasting with pasteboard from other apps to Nanostudio doesn't crash it... This severely cripples BM2, since I was planning to using the chop lab and effects to process samples for other apps.
  • edited 3:00AM
    pasting from BM2 to Filtatron pastes the file, but as soon as I try to load it, it crashes Filtatron.
    Once I cleared the pasteboard in BM2 I was able to paste in Nanostudio again, and deleting the offending file in Filtatron worked.
    There is something really wrong with how BM2 exports to the pasteboard. Please Intua if you are reading this, think about putting in Sonoma audiocopy and paste. It would be a lot nicer to be able use multiple paste locations, Titles, and BPM.
  • edited 3:00AM
    I'm hoping they add Sonoma ACP too, but it seems unlikely for obvious reasons...
  • edited 3:00AM
    I'm hoping they add Sonoma ACP too, but it seems unlikely for obvious reasons...

    care to enlighten me?
  • edited 3:00AM
    Just for reference I'm experiencing these issues with iphone 4g running up todate os (whatever v. that happens to be at the moment)
  • edited 3:00AM
    I'm hoping they add Sonoma ACP too, but it seems unlikely for obvious reasons...

    care to enlighten me?

    Intua has their own ACP implementation, which is incompatible with Sonoma's, and I imagine that if they were interested in supporting Sonoma's ACP, it would've been in BM2 from the get-go. I'm hoping they switch to Sonoma's ACP since it's much better, but I'm not holding my breath <!-- s:( --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" /><!-- s:( -->
  • edited 3:00AM
    Is there any updates/ideas from the mods on this? Can they confirm that it is the BM2 pasteboard implementation that is at fault?
  • edited 3:00AM
    I managed to successfully save a BeatMaker2 song to a wav file, copy the file to the iOS clipboard and then past it into FourTrack, Looptastic Producer, and ThumbJamb. Im not familiar with the any of the other apps mentioned in the previous posts, so no help there. Cheers.
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