Promo code?

edited February 2011 in Support
Can anybody tell me what the promo codes are for that are being given out on @intua twitter for beatmaker2? I bought it first day at full price and will be a little miffed if it's been discounted already. Don't get me wrong, it's worth the full price but still, not the way to treat loyal fans/users.


  • edited 7:40AM
    Intua should never lower their price. $20 is more then far.
  • edited 7:40AM
    Not discount...thy had a spare primo code so te first person to use it got BM2 free lol.
  • edited 7:40AM
    Aw that's nice, well I take it all back <!-- s:-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:-) -->
  • edited 7:40AM
    Haha im glad L:
    I don't think Intua should lower the price. BM2 seriously has fed my desire for a MOC or PadKontrol.
  • edited 7:40AM
    The price is quite reasonable, even for those who bought bm1 when it first came out.
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