No way to deleate tags?

edited February 2011 in Support
Hey all

just added some of my own tags to the to the Bpm, genre, category, list in the "edit tags" now i carn't seem to deleate them, is there a way to get rid of my own tags and indeed the preset tag list? i would like to create my own list and not have them mixed in with intua's preset tag list.



  • edited 1:10PM
    Yep, just figured it out for buddy
    First tap edit tags.
    then select any sample, doesn't matte what.
    now just tap and hold the tag for a bit and it'll ask if you want to felts that value
    Then select yes. There you go L=

    I love these type of questions because then I learn something for good n help you guys out at the same time Haha.
  • edited February 2011
    Well *uck me, welldone scythe, wow i am gona have to start calling you poirot!
    Thanks alot i appreciate your help <!-- s:mrgreen: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt=":mrgreen:" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s:mrgreen: -->

  • edited 1:10PM
    Ok try and figure this one out for me scythe.... can i name my own categorys in the area where it says "Genre, BPM, Category" e.g, say i want a category called time sigs and use the little green arowws to scroll to it?

  • edited 1:10PM
    You know i e been fumbling around the load screen for 15 minutes or so. Haven't found anything that allowyou to create a "tagetory".
    Part of the list? Seems like it'd be useful.
  • edited 1:10PM
    Yeah part of the list <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->

    Also the taging system doesn't seem to be working properly, i select all files in a folder select the tag i want to use press apply, and sometimes it tags only one or two of the files and some times it dosen't tag anything at all, am i doing something wrong?
  • edited 1:10PM
    Nope it is definitely not working right i just carn't get it to tag anything mabey one or two files when it feels like it <!-- s:( --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" /><!-- s:( -->, can you test it scythe see it if works for you?

    Cheers Touchy
  • edited 1:10PM
    Yup, im openin up BM2 now Haha.
    let's see...

    Well select all doesn't allow you to apply. However, so long as I pressed select all and then simply toggleone off it worked. So that's another little bug there.
    I think tomorrow ill try compiling a list so its easier to keep track of.

    Let me know if that selct all minus 1 works for you.
  • edited 1:10PM
    Nope that dosen't work either, still only taging 2 files, i carn't even select one file at a time it will still only tag the first one or two files. how exactly do you tag a file? i select a file touch a tag then hit apply is that right?
  • edited 1:10PM
    Yeah. Are you saying that its not letting you hit apply? Did you try searching that tag yet? It doesn't acknowledge when it applies the tag. It just silently does it.
  • edited 1:10PM
    i select all unselect 1, or just select 1 or 2 files to be tagged, touch the tag that i want to save them under, it turns blue for a moment then hit apply it turns green for a moment, go back search for the files i have just tagged and only ever 1 or 2 files show up under the tag name i choose, no matter how many files i try to tag only 1 or 2 show up in the list.
  • edited 1:10PM
    Man. I dunno Touchy. That's really odd. Its working fine for me. Ill take another look and see if I can spot what's going on.
  • edited 1:10PM
    Ok mate i got it sorted, i uploaded all my samples via iphone explorer and although the samples were working and playing fine i guess the bestmaker sub-system/OS could not see/read them. so uploaded some samples via ftp, beatmaker updated it database (which it did not do via iphone explorer) and now the tagging system works fine. Thanks for all your help though scythe it's appreciated.

  • edited 1:10PM
    Ahh ok. Awesome, good to hear its sorted out.
    Hey man no prob. Its what I do Haha.
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