What I need..

edited February 2011 in General
I need to be able to turn the grid so I can edit unquantized recorded perfomances without locking to the grid after any move...

I need a pad copy... I need an Instrument Copy.. Or "Clone" so not to get terminology crossed...

I need to swing while recording, not just swing in editing...

I neeed a Cpu meter so I can see where my limits are at all times in case i need a workaround..

I thought i needed a resample but export seems to do the job as well...

I need to be able to be able to export more than one wav file at a time... maybe export the mixer channels.. The pad sequences would be nice since 16 out would prove to be very useful but don't know how likely...

I need to be able to copy a track to where I ask it with the marker/cursor.. not just the next available open space.. although this is still working..

I might add to this as I go along, but this is it for tonight...

Other than that, great work Intua...


  • edited 12:34PM
    I think the work around for pad copy is...

    Select [MULTI]
    Then [LOAD] in the [SAMPLE] tab on the left...
    -Load your sample across however many pads you selected, say 8...
    Then use the [MULTI] again for editing all 8 at the same time
    After you edited all at the same time and reached the desired result, then leave one of them off the [MULTI] keep the rest on, and continue editing down the line, til you've reached your goal..

    It may not be perfect, but this may be why it doesn't exist in the first place...


    I need the ability to automate the parameters within the iDRM and the Keyboard....
  • edited 12:34PM
    it would be cool to have the ability in wave editor to separate l and r mono file from stereo sample and fusion stereo sample to mono ! for creativity and memory usage !

    like in mpc
  • edited 12:34PM
    Having multipule samples selected on the pads won't let me edit them all at once, i press edit and nothing happens, have to do it one at a time then save, re-name etc, carn't wait for intua to bring back the none-destructive loop points in the sample editor. how are you editing multi pads at once septimo?

  • edited 12:34PM
    Having multipule samples selected on the pads won't let me edit them all at once, i press edit and nothing happens, have to do it one at a time then save, re-name etc, carn't wait for intua to bring back the none-destructive loop points in the sample editor. how are you editing multi pads at once septimo?


    Sorry guys.. What I meant by "edits" was to tweak pitch/ADSR/Filter/Volume/Pan/and FX Routing... All the things you don't want to do mutiple times when you have the same sample across several pads... And yeah, I'm sure Intua will bring back the non-destructive loop points soon... <!-- s8-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8-) -->
  • edited 12:34PM
    Ahh i see <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->

    Did you check my post on how to copy samples from one pad to another septimo? works great and is very quick and easy.
  • edited 12:34PM
    Haha... This works too.. it's not as quick a process as I'd like it to be, but this definitely works! Good find Touchy! The more you finger it the more it opens up huh? <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: -->
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