(This is)How to copy a sample from one pad to another

edited February 2011 in Support
Ok i have worked out a way to copy a sample from one pad to another :-

Use chop lab to load and chop a sample the way you want it, save and return to the pads

Next find the sample you want to copy to another pad, open that sample via the sample page and press edit, double click the sample to highlight it then click copy (right hand side)

Next select the pad you want to copy the sample to, again open the sample editor (left hand side, edit) double click the sample to highlight it and press DEL (right hand side), then press paste (right hand side), then save (not save as) now the copied pad will be on the pad you pasted it to

Repeat to set up all the pads/samples the way you want them on the pads (remember to save NOT save as)

Next time you open that chop preset all the pads will be the way you set them up (via copy and paste)

So for example if you have a kick on pad 3 and want to copy that kick to pad 1 follow the steps above.
There has to be a sample on the pad that you want to paste to (for you to be able open the sample edit page)

This should also work for just copying a portion of a loop/sample if you have a single loop/sample on a pad and don't want to use chop lab.

I hope this helps some people out, it certainly has me <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> Damm the program keeps getting better and better.



  • edited 6:37AM
    Just a little tip :- After you have pasted the sample to a pad there is no need to use the save button on the bottom right of the screen just click the red X on the to right then you will see, SAVE, SAVE AS, or DISCARD. Choose SAVE

  • edited 6:37AM
    Bump - because i think it's a great tip and very usefull. And will save some people some hasstle (hopefully)
  • edited 6:37AM
    some one make a video for this one! <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->
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