Full price...?

edited February 2011 in General
Come on guys! I know BM2 is a big step forward, but surely an upgrade from 1 to 2 should be for less than a new purchase! After all we funded the dev of BM2... <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s:cry: -->


  • edited 3:57AM
    Intua has already mentioned that they tried several times to contact apple. Apple just isnt letting it happen. Why?
    Money I would assume.

    Besides that, this is an app that actually competes with software and hardware that ranges from a couple hundred dollars to straight up 2K.
    You're entitled to an opinion, but the fact remains that dropping 20 dollars on BM2 is at the very least reasonable.
  • edited 3:57AM
    I say lets all keep funding the project, so we can get as many updates as intua can afford to put into it.. <!-- s8-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8-) -->

    Besides, 20 bucks for this app is like getting it for free... <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D -->
  • edited 3:57AM
    How many whiny brats are going to crawl out from underneath their rocks to register an account here just to whine about having to pay for a new app?
  • edited 3:57AM
    I think it's just a lack of knowledge regarding music production. I think most who complain don't quite comprehend the power and versatility you are getting for just 20 bucks.
  • edited 3:57AM
    I think it's just a lack of knowledge regarding music production. I think most who complain don't quite comprehend the power and versatility you are getting for just 20 bucks.
    So true, 20 bucks is a steal for this quality of software.
  • edited 3:57AM
    Actually, I have to agree...with both positions here.

    20$ is very cheap for what you get with Beatmaker 2. BUT, for people like me who pay 20$ for the first beatmaker (and use it very casually since I mainly "play" on my L9-studio as my DAW), I expected to have some sort of "fidelity price".

    L9 studio as an update to L8 was 199$ and not 499$, EVEN if it's worth the 499$ !!!

    That how it works. <!-- s:ugeek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_ugeek.gif" alt=":ugeek:" title="Uber Geek" /><!-- s:ugeek: -->
  • edited 3:57AM
    "V821&quot wrote:
    Actually, I have to agree...with both positions here.

    20$ is very cheap for what you get with Beatmaker 2. BUT, for people like me who pay 20$ for the first beatmaker (and use it very casually since I mainly "play" on my L9-studio as my DAW), I expected to have some sort of "fidelity price".

    L9 studio as an update to L8 was 199$ and not 499$, EVEN if it's worth the 499$ !!!

    That how it works. <!-- s:ugeek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_ugeek.gif" alt=":ugeek:" title="Uber Geek" /><!-- s:ugeek: -->

    Yeah, but you gotta remember, that you are comparing a software that generates 500 bucks per sale as opposed to one that is only generating 20 bucks per sale... even At 200 bucks they are still making a profit off of you... For every upgrade sale L9 Studio makes, BM2 has to sell ten units.. At full price, one of their sales then equals to twenty BM2 units... I wonder how many sales will it take before intua even see's a profit... This software obviously took countless man hours to create... Maybe intua should charge 100 bucks a unit, then give upgrade prices at 50 bucks? surely 20 is a better deal no? <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) --> At twenty bucks they are not selling it near it's worth.. Like I said, I'm hoping that my 20 dollars can help fund updates and new/extra features... Go Intua.. <!-- s:ugeek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_ugeek.gif" alt=":ugeek:" title="Uber Geek" /><!-- s:ugeek: -->
  • edited 3:57AM
    I think intua should keep it this low 19.99 for a week or two and then raise it back up to about 39.99. I dont understand the lack of people wanting to support great and hard work.
  • I tell you everything almost we all asked for is in BM2 if your too cheap to pay for Excellence then go grab a free music app and listen to us who are willing to pay , make Hits!!!
  • edited 3:57AM
    Like I said in another thread, the first Beatmaker came out more than 2.5 years ago. If you can't spend $20 every two and a half years, then something is seriously messed up here. And you can't blame it on the fact that you bought it just months ago or something. A quick visit to the forums would have indicated Beatmaker 2 was on its way (or just a quick Google search for that matter), and spending $20 on the App Store is a weary thing to do, which would require some sort of investigation on the user's part.

    Beatmaker 2 is nowhere near just an upgrade from Beatmaker 1. It's a whole new experience. A completely new app. Updates that Adobe push out — Photoshop CS4 to CS5 for instance — aren't even comparable to how vast the difference from Beatmaker 1 to 2 is.

    Pretend you're buying a $200+ app for $20. Because that's really what you're doing here.
  • edited 3:57AM
    Beatmaker 2 is nowhere near just an upgrade from Beatmaker 1. It's a whole new experience..

    Yes. A whole new, bug-ridden, weak preset-savin', horrible reverb-havin' experience. <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) -->

    Seriously, It's definitely worth the $20, but you leg-humpers need to reel it in just a little bit. It's not the be-all and end-all of music production apps; not in this state, anyway. Sure, there are 200-300 dollar PC DAW's that have similar functionality... then there are FREEWARE DAW's that have similar functionality, too.... AND don't crash every time I try to tweak the Filter, troops.

    I haven't seen this type of hyperbole and blind enthusiasm for a piece of software since the Final Fantasy message boards, or the backbiting fanboyism of the BM / NS dispute, since the NDS / PSP days.
  • edited 3:57AM
    Beatmaker 2 is nowhere near just an upgrade from Beatmaker 1. It's a whole new experience..

    Yes. A whole new, bug-ridden, weak preset-savin', horrible reverb-havin' experience. <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) -->

    Seriously, It's definitely worth the $20, but you leg-humpers need to reel it in just a little bit. It's not the be-all and end-all of music production apps; not in this state, anyway. Sure, there are 200-300 dollar PC DAW's that have similar functionality... then there are FREEWARE DAW's that have similar functionality, too.... AND don't crash every time I try to tweak the Filter, troops.

    I haven't seen this type of hyperbole and blind enthusiasm for a piece of software since the Final Fantasy message boards, or the backbiting fanboyism of the BM / NS dispute, since the NDS / PSP days.

    Warning. Im getting very tired of having to explain that insults are not going to A. Help you make a point. Or B. Maintain a civil forum.

    Speak with integrity or don't speak at all. Theresno need for you to call anyone a leghumper or fanboy.
    How hard is it for one to simply say what they mean minus that part of your brain that says "I don't like what your saying so you're a big dumb doodoo head!"

    Really? We aren't 7 here. On this forum, speak with respect for others and your own intelligence.
  • edited 3:57AM
    Beatmaker 2 is nowhere near just an upgrade from Beatmaker 1. It's a whole new experience..

    Yes. A whole new, bug-ridden, weak preset-savin', horrible reverb-havin' experience. <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) -->

    Seriously, It's definitely worth the $20, but you leg-humpers need to reel it in just a little bit. It's not the be-all and end-all of music production apps; not in this state, anyway. Sure, there are 200-300 dollar PC DAW's that have similar functionality... then there are FREEWARE DAW's that have similar functionality, too.... AND don't crash every time I try to tweak the Filter, troops.

    I haven't seen this type of hyperbole and blind enthusiasm for a piece of software since the Final Fantasy message boards, or the backbiting fanboyism of the BM / NS dispute, since the NDS / PSP days.

    Breathe in, breathe out. Just defending a price point, man. And the words that you picked up on, "a whole new experience", was in reference to the previous version, not the whole market. I could care less about what you use. I have Ableton on my Mac and it's just dandy. Go smear dog poop in the form of drum pads on the sidewalk while beatboxing and singing if you want, and I won't say anything about it. But as of right now, this is the best on the platform, regardless of how buggy it is. If you'd rather use a free DAW on your PC, then you wouldn't be here questioning the price of this and use that instead. And if you find a more powerful and just as simple DAW on iOS, then let me know, because I'll buy it in an instant. And until then, Beatmaker seriously needs to fix issues with the way it handles memory because it's a crash machine unless you reboot before you use it.
  • edited 3:57AM
    Guys, please relax. I beg you. Just because you don't share my humor doesn't mean you need to censor me. I made a few remarks about the app, followed by a wink and a "seriously". The implication was sarcasm. The "leg-humping" an "fanboy" remarks weren't aimed at anyone specifically, and I'm sure we can all agree that these forums are way more prone to overzealous hyperbole than you might find elsewhere. I'm pointing it out with a lexicon far tamer than you'll find in a standard FOX sitcom, so please don't try to crack the whip under the guise of moderation, when the reality is that you merely disagree. Saying "you don't have to say it that way" is fine, but don't embarrass yourself by resorting to a fascist clampdown. It smacks of the Egyptian government.
  • edited 3:57AM
    Beatmaker 2 is nowhere near just an upgrade from Beatmaker 1. It's a whole new experience..

    Yes. A whole new, bug-ridden, weak preset-savin', horrible reverb-havin' experience. <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) -->

    Seriously, It's definitely worth the $20, but you leg-humpers need to reel it in just a little bit. It's not the be-all and end-all of music production apps; not in this state, anyway. Sure, there are 200-300 dollar PC DAW's that have similar functionality... then there are FREEWARE DAW's that have similar functionality, too.... AND don't crash every time I try to tweak the Filter, troops.

    I haven't seen this type of hyperbole and blind enthusiasm for a piece of software since the Final Fantasy message boards, or the backbiting fanboyism of the BM / NS dispute, since the NDS / PSP days.

    Breathe in, breathe out. Just defending a price point, man. And the words that you picked up on, "a whole new experience", was in reference to the previous version, not the whole market. I could care less about what you use. I have Ableton on my Mac and it's just dandy. Go smear dog poop in the form of drum pads on the sidewalk while beatboxing and singing if you want, and I won't say anything about it. But as of right now, this is the best on the platform, regardless of how buggy it is. If you'd rather use a free DAW on your PC, then you wouldn't be here questioning the price of this and use that instead. And if you find a more powerful and just as simple DAW on iOS, then let me know, because I'll buy it in an instant. And until then, Beatmaker seriously needs to fix issues with the way it handles memory because it's a crash machine unless you reboot before you use it.

    I like the app. I was just being a wiseguy. It needs some tweaking. The reverb sounds awful, and the keyboard configuration (I.e. Double row / x # keys per row) should stay as you arrange them across the board. That's all. A playful jab.
  • edited 3:57AM
    Guys, please relax. I beg you. Just because you don't share my humor doesn't mean you need to censor me. I made a few remarks about the app, followed by a wink and a "seriously". The implication was sarcasm. The "leg-humping" an "fanboy" remarks weren't aimed at anyone specifically, and I'm sure we can all agree that these forums are way more prone to overzealous hyperbole than you might find elsewhere. I'm pointing it out with a lexicon far tamer than you'll find in a standard FOX sitcom, so please don't try to crack the whip under the guise of moderation, when the reality is that you merely disagree. Saying "you don't have to say it that way" is fine, but don't embarrass yourself by resorting to a fascist clampdown. It smacks of the Egyptian government.

    My last post was also sarcastic in tone. I will now insure that no more mistakes are made.

    You're going to have to make it more apparent you're being sarcastic next time because it's hard to pick up on it when there's douchebags on the internet. Read the previous sentence in a neutral tone. I'm one of the most sarcastic people you'll meet, but thinking a multi-paragraph rant is serious isn't too far fetched. Continue reading the same way. I'm also going to assume that you calling me a fascist was sarcastic, but that you're awful at presenting sarcasm. Read previous comment while picturing me laughing and drinking a local bottled beer. And now I'm going to say, "Lol, I think we all need to chill bro," but I want you to read it in a playful tone and think no more of it. And then I'm going to say that I'm not embarrassed because I wasn't really that harsh in any regard and in fact pretty chill considering I neither took sides nor accused you of anything. And you can read that sentence with no implications unless you're smoking pot, and then you can picture me naked except for black socks.

    I'm also now going to try and improve our relationship by asking you on a date. Read the previous sentence sarcastically. This trollin' business can really take a toll on your energy, and I think I could show you a good time and give you a deserved break. Finish this post while assured I'm being sarcastic.
  • edited 3:57AM
  • edited 3:57AM
    Guys, please relax. I beg you. Just because you don't share my humor doesn't mean you need to censor me. I made a few remarks about the app, followed by a wink and a "seriously". The implication was sarcasm. The "leg-humping" an "fanboy" remarks weren't aimed at anyone specifically, and I'm sure we can all agree that these forums are way more prone to overzealous hyperbole than you might find elsewhere. I'm pointing it out with a lexicon far tamer than you'll find in a standard FOX sitcom, so please don't try to crack the whip under the guise of moderation, when the reality is that you merely disagree. Saying "you don't have to say it that way" is fine, but don't embarrass yourself by resorting to a fascist clampdown. It smacks of the Egyptian government.

    I can assure you there is no guise.
    Let me tell you a bit about my understanding of the world.
    truth is, you and I both know you could give a damn what my opinion is really. It usually will not change ones mind until they see things for themselves.
    therefore, I could give a damn about disagreeing or not.
    I speak my Op and then finito. So long as I see its there then there.

    The issue I had with your post wasyour inability to simply say "hey this is my opinion, there you go"
    this is the internet bud. Its ridden with fools and intellects alike, and on here, most people say wha they mean how they mean it. Why? Because you can't see me and I can't see you.
    So when you say you're being "sarcastic", again, no one can say that affects their OP of YOUR OP.
    Knowing that, saying an insult in your opinion will most likely cause two things a the least. And I mentioned both. Let re iterate.
    A. Remembering that this is te internet, every post tha you make is pretty much a "first impression"
    So what happens when you mix an insult into a first impression? You are already discounted as a valid person to the person who reads your post. Anyone that disagrees will most likely not even consider your idea.
    B. This is a forum. I mod it. In that respect, its my obligation to maintain civility. You and anyone else posting such nonsensical insults into your posts is nt ok. Simple as that. The reason? Buecause it isn't ok with anyone else other than those who agree with you. This isn't YouTube. You seem to be an intelligent person. Upon reading this, im sure you can understand why im replying this way
    or maybe not, because as I said, you probably could care less.

    At the very least you'd recognize it. Im not calling you a fanboy after all.

    I don't know you, or anyone else here personally. So when I speak, I speak knowing that.
    In truth, we all should. And im hoping after reading this you and others will considser it sensible to just chillax, talk music and respect the people here.
  • edited 3:57AM
    Guys, please relax. I beg you. Just because you don't share my humor doesn't mean you need to censor me. I made a few remarks about the app, followed by a wink and a "seriously". The implication was sarcasm. The "leg-humping" an "fanboy" remarks weren't aimed at anyone specifically, and I'm sure we can all agree that these forums are way more prone to overzealous hyperbole than you might find elsewhere. I'm pointing it out with a lexicon far tamer than you'll find in a standard FOX sitcom, so please don't try to crack the whip under the guise of moderation, when the reality is that you merely disagree. Saying "you don't have to say it that way" is fine, but don't embarrass yourself by resorting to a fascist clampdown. It smacks of the Egyptian government.

    I can assure you there is no guise.
    Let me tell you a bit about my understanding of the world.
    truth is, you and I both know you could give a damn what my opinion is really. It usually will not change ones mind until they see things for themselves.
    therefore, I could give a damn about disagreeing or not.
    I speak my Op and then finito. So long as I see its there then there.

    The issue I had with your post wasyour inability to simply say "hey this is my opinion, there you go"
    this is the internet bud. Its ridden with fools and intellects alike, and on here, most people say wha they mean how they mean it. Why? Because you can't see me and I can't see you.
    So when you say you're being "sarcastic", again, no one can say that affects their OP of YOUR OP.
    Knowing that, saying an insult in your opinion will most likely cause two things a the least. And I mentioned both. Let re iterate.
    A. Remembering that this is te internet, every post tha you make is pretty much a "first impression"
    So what happens when you mix an insult into a first impression? You are already discounted as a valid person to the person who reads your post. Anyone that disagrees will most likely not even consider your idea.
    B. This is a forum. I mod it. In that respect, its my obligation to maintain civility. You and anyone else posting such nonsensical insults into your posts is nt ok. Simple as that. The reason? Buecause it isn't ok with anyone else other than those who agree with you. This isn't YouTube. You seem to be an intelligent person. Upon reading this, im sure you can understand why im replying this way
    or maybe not, because as I said, you probably could care less.

    At the very least you'd recognize it. Im not calling you a fanboy after all.

    I don't know you, or anyone else here personally. So when I speak, I speak knowing that.
    In truth, we all should. And im hoping after reading this you and others will considser it sensible to just chillax, talk music and respect the people here.

    Now let me clue YOU in. I said what I said in a manner clearly reflecting the meaning of my intent. Whether or not the phasing seems insulting to you is a matter for interpretation. Let me rephrase it entirely:

    "Yes. A whole new, bug-ridden, weak preset-savin', horrible reverb-havin' experience.

    Seriously, It's definitely worth the $20, but you overtly exhuberant fellows need to reel it in just a little bit. It's not the be-all and end-all of music production apps; not in this state, anyway. Sure, there are 200-300 dollar PC DAW's that have similar functionality... then there are FREEWARE DAW's that have similar functionality, too.... AND don't crash every time I try to tweak the Filter, troops.

    I haven't seen this type of hyperbole and blind enthusiasm for a piece of software since the Final Fantasy message boards, or the backbiting over-zealousness of the BM / NS dispute, since the NDS / PSP days."

    So, I'm sure you can conjecture equal reason to find these observations offensive, but the original terms I used are in no way vulgar (in any defined sense), racist, sexist (leg-humping being a gender-neutral activity exhibited by animals) or anything else, nor were they aimed at anyone specific!! It's the inference of an insult against the product and it's supporters that you're trying to upbraid me for. That's wrong. I have an opinion, and I stated it. If you consider my terms inappropriate, please replace them with whatever words you like! I mean, why not?
  • edited 3:57AM
    Guys, please relax. I beg you. Just because you don't share my humor doesn't mean you need to censor me. I made a few remarks about the app, followed by a wink and a "seriously". The implication was sarcasm. The "leg-humping" an "fanboy" remarks weren't aimed at anyone specifically, and I'm sure we can all agree that these forums are way more prone to overzealous hyperbole than you might find elsewhere. I'm pointing it out with a lexicon far tamer than you'll find in a standard FOX sitcom, so please don't try to crack the whip under the guise of moderation, when the reality is that you merely disagree. Saying "you don't have to say it that way" is fine, but don't embarrass yourself by resorting to a fascist clampdown. It smacks of the Egyptian government.

    I can assure you there is no guise.
    Let me tell you a bit about my understanding of the world.
    truth is, you and I both know you could give a damn what my opinion is really. It usually will not change ones mind until they see things for themselves.
    therefore, I could give a damn about disagreeing or not.
    I speak my Op and then finito. So long as I see its there then there.

    The issue I had with your post wasyour inability to simply say "hey this is my opinion, there you go"
    this is the internet bud. Its ridden with fools and intellects alike, and on here, most people say wha they mean how they mean it. Why? Because you can't see me and I can't see you.
    So when you say you're being "sarcastic", again, no one can say that affects their OP of YOUR OP.
    Knowing that, saying an insult in your opinion will most likely cause two things a the least. And I mentioned both. Let re iterate.
    A. Remembering that this is te internet, every post tha you make is pretty much a "first impression"
    So what happens when you mix an insult into a first impression? You are already discounted as a valid person to the person who reads your post. Anyone that disagrees will most likely not even consider your idea.
    B. This is a forum. I mod it. In that respect, its my obligation to maintain civility. You and anyone else posting such nonsensical insults into your posts is nt ok. Simple as that. The reason? Buecause it isn't ok with anyone else other than those who agree with you. This isn't YouTube. You seem to be an intelligent person. Upon reading this, im sure you can understand why im replying this way
    or maybe not, because as I said, you probably could care less.

    At the very least you'd recognize it. Im not calling you a fanboy after all.

    I don't know you, or anyone else here personally. So when I speak, I speak knowing that.
    In truth, we all should. And im hoping after reading this you and others will considser it sensible to just chillax, talk music and respect the people here.

    Now let me clue YOU in. I said what I said in a manner clearly reflecting the meaning of my intent. Whether or not the phasing seems insulting to you is a matter for interpretation. Let me rephrase it entirely:

    "Yes. A whole new, bug-ridden, weak preset-savin', horrible reverb-havin' experience.

    Seriously, It's definitely worth the $20, but you overtly exhuberant fellows need to reel it in just a little bit. It's not the be-all and end-all of music production apps; not in this state, anyway. Sure, there are 200-300 dollar PC DAW's that have similar functionality... then there are FREEWARE DAW's that have similar functionality, too.... AND don't crash every time I try to tweak the Filter, troops.

    I haven't seen this type of hyperbole and blind enthusiasm for a piece of software since the Final Fantasy message boards, or the backbiting over-zealousness of the BM / NS dispute, since the NDS / PSP days."

    So, I'm sure you can conjecture equal reason to find these observations offensive, but the original terms I used are in no way vulgar (in any defined sense), racist, sexist (leg-humping being a gender-neutral activity exhibited by animals) or anything else, nor were they aimed at anyone specific!! It's the inference of an insult against the product and it's supporters that you're trying to upbraid me for. That's wrong. I have an opinion, and I stated it. If you consider my terms inappropriate, please replace them with whatever words you like! I mean, why not?

    Then there you go. Ice, I get you. The reason I responded that way is because it can be interpreted that way. Feel me?
    and yes I could change your post, and those of others, but it'd be much better if people just understood that concept I've stated.

    I think we've reached a sense of understanding. So on that note, im hoping you'll get why I say your words can be misread. Using me as example.
    From that, imagine it wasn't me repping here. Imagine it wasn't someone reasonable.
    that's all.
This discussion has been closed.