edited February 2011 in Support
I have lots of projects from BM1 on my computer. I would originally transfer projects using the BeatPack software.
How do I get them onto BM2 now? Or if I want to backup projects from BM2 onto my computer? BM2 doesn't use BeatPack right??


  • edited 2:20PM
    Na man...two things.
    1. Beatpak is only useful for getting files out of BM1 and creating BMK files (aka kits)
    2. You use what's called an FTP software now. Try FileZilla. Its what I use and its pretty simple.

    As for directions, do me a favor and search this forum for help...if you can't find them let me know.

    You should be able to though.
  • edited 2:20PM
    Oh ok cool! Thanks for the help; I will look into it.
  • edited 2:20PM
    I have been trying to do this for a while I am using Firezilla on XP.

    I go to the FTP transfer in Beatmaker get the FTP number this changes and will not always be the same.

    Type in the Host number. (number in window up to the : )
    Servertype FTP
    Logontype Normal
    User; intua
    User; intua

    I get the message -
    Status:Connecting to #############...
    Status: Connected with ############. Waiting for welcome message...
    Error: Disconnected from server (in red)
    Error: Unable to connect! (in red)

    this happens with 4 other tries.

    Is there perhaps a issue on the wireless network the two are both attached to the same network. Is there some standard settings of the wireless that might be the issue. I am using a windows network at work, now will try it tonight with a mac system at home. I have a lot of experence useing ftp for my work but I seem to not be getting the handshake.

    I am sure I am missing something simple but have checked the other threads and am still having the issue.
  • edited 2:20PM
    Are you putting the port number (the number to the right of the : ) ?

    If not, that could have some effect.
  • edited 2:20PM
    Yes the port # the number after : is there correctly.

    In Firezilla it will parse the port using the : or you can type in the host number aka port.

    I also used the quick connect feature in Firezilla and the host was entered into the host window.
  • edited 2:20PM
    I couldn't get FTP to work over wifi but creating a computer-to-computer network on my mac worked. If you don't know how to do it just google it - it's super easy.
  • edited 2:20PM
    I have a the same problem with the kits I made with beatpack I dragged my kits from beatmaker 1 and put them in beatmaker 2 folder I can load samples one by one but can't load them as a full bank
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