BeatMaker 2 Poll: Which new feature should be a priority ?

edited April 2011 in General

As we're working on updates to BeatMaker 2, we'd like to hear from you about the features you consider the most important.
NB: iPad version is in the way, so it has not been included in the list.

Thanks for voting!
Intua Team.


  • edited 4:18AM
    I understand CoreMIDI is important to a lot of people but since I can only choose one option and don't use any external devices, I chose Dropbox since I own both an iPhone and iPad.
  • edited 4:18AM
    I chose Sonoma Copy and Paste, because currently the pasteboard is broken for me, cannot paste from Beatmaker 2 to other apps, but if this was fixed, then I think the Aux Bus would be my top pick, with Sonoma a close second.
  • edited 4:18AM
    Voted for dropbox coz I need a way of transferring prjcts btwn my idevices without a computer.

    Then the following in order -
    Aux send
    Core midi

  • edited 4:18AM
    I wanna see these on a future poll:

    Better effects (selectable type of reverb, steeper filters+other types, distortion, visual eq with FFT)
    Better keyboard sampler engine (with some pitch,time,formant, granular)( core midi will make folks want multilayers )

    I had to go with core midi though because I will be getting the Alesis studio dock

    ....I also believe that iOS pasteboard is going to become the copy paste standard, so it looks like the sonata pasteboard is a temporary thing...why waste time on it. this going to be a wave file? Or is this the actual patches and sequence?

    [imagine a better sample like the Roland v synth or Kontakt, why you may ask...well, that's easy...the idevice is a limited ram using the above technologies, it will take less samples to make full keyboard instruments.]
  • edited 4:18AM
    I need to add "live audio" tracks to this list, as well as improved effects.
  • edited 4:18AM
    ...I also believe that iOS pasteboard is going to become the copy paste standard, so it looks like the sonata pasteboard is a temporary thing...why waste time on it...

    Because it allows you :

    Paste 12 items at once, has names for the items, lets you preview the audio, keeps track of BPM, also supports the general pasteboard.....
    Huge gain when working with other apps.

  • edited 4:18AM
    ...I also believe that iOS pasteboard is going to become the copy paste standard, so it looks like the sonata pasteboard is a temporary thing...why waste time on it...

    Because it allows you :

    Paste 12 items at once, has names for the items, lets you preview the audio, keeps track of BPM, also supports the general pasteboard.....
    Huge gain when working with other apps.


    Yep. Exactly.
  • edited 4:18AM
    Isn't CoreMIDI and Synthstation the same thing? The whole point of CoreMIDI is to work with other hardware...anyway you might want to add Synthstation49 support for the Ipad version while you're at it.

  • edited 4:18AM
    i voted DROPBOX! between my iPad, laptop, and android phone... Dropbox is my best friend. I would LOVE to be able to transfer with dropox. it just doean't get any better.

    after that, I would have chosen audio copy/paste.
  • edited 4:18AM
    These are the most important from a producers point of view:
    Soundfont support
    these two enhancements should be in the next update to...
    ...adopt the Midi standard that the devices come with
    ...adopt an acknowledged sample standard so that people who haven't discovered digital music just yesterday have a fair chance to get their sample collections into Beatmaker

    The rest is just to please kids (although Dropbox wouldn't be so bad) and people who wont admit that their purchases of further equipment are in fact obsolete...
  • edited 4:18AM
    These are the most important from a producers point of view:
    Soundfont support
    these two enhancements should be in the next update to...
    ...adopt the Midi standard that the devices come with
    ...adopt an acknowledged sample standard so that people who haven't discovered digital music just yesterday have a fair chance to get their sample collections into Beatmaker

    The rest is just to please kids (although Dropbox wouldn't be so bad) and people who wont admit that their purchases of further equipment are in fact obsolete...

    I like how you generalized a whole group of people based off of what they voted for on an app?
    Ever think that people have different work flows?
    <!-- s:| --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":|" title="Neutral" /><!-- s:| -->
  • edited 4:18AM
    I'm not sure I understand the difference between CoreMIDI and Line6 MIDI Mobilizer. What good is CoreMIDI if it won't work with the only MIDI interface that works with iphone/ipod touch?
  • edited 4:18AM
    I think people may underestimate the importance of having aux sends that are really aux sends!!!!!
    1. Note Repeat!
    2. Aux Send
    3. Transient Detection in Chop Lab
    4. Upload samples via itunes app file management.
  • edited 4:18AM
    please i beg for a compatibility of AKAI SynthStation 25 cause i had already preordered it and still just waiting for it till it arrive, my only hope now is a SynthStaiton 25 compatibility and im fix, more power to all devs we are hoping for alot of improvements and new feature of BM2 cause with a stable app with new features this can become the number 1 app for music in the app store, but yet it is now the number 1 ^_^ more power Fighting!
  • sooo... i've been pushing this sf2 thing already....

    BUT... if you're not familiar with what SoundFont support means or is, you should really do some googling... it will blow BM2 WIDE open and make it ridiculously easy to get a vast library of different pro-grade sounds into the keyboard. vote soundfont. I'm just saying....

    campaign speech over.
  • edited 4:18AM
    I think that for such a comprehensive app, BM2 should really support Sonoma copy and paste. It's just much better than what BM2 has right now and it opens up BM2 to interoperate much better with the music app ecosystem.

    Also, SF2 support would be really nifty as well. I think people unfamiliar with soundfonts would end up finding them really useful if support for them was added to BM2.
  • edited 4:18AM
    These are the most important from a producers point of view:
    Soundfont support
    these two enhancements should be in the next update to...
    ...adopt the Midi standard that the devices come with
    ...adopt an acknowledged sample standard so that people who haven't discovered digital music just yesterday have a fair chance to get their sample collections into Beatmaker

    The rest is just to please kids (although Dropbox wouldn't be so bad) and people who wont admit that their purchases of further equipment are in fact obsolete...

    I like how you generalized a whole group of people based off of what they voted for on an app?
    Ever think that people have different work flows?
    <!-- s:| --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":|" title="Neutral" /><!-- s:| -->

    +1 on that.
    A producer's point of view? Is that the new word for musician? Artist?
  • edited 4:18AM
    For a $20 app, most of that should have been in there in the first place.

    We should be talking about expansion, not essential features which should have been there from the start.
  • edited 4:18AM
    For a $20 app, most of that should have been in there in the first place.

    We should be talking about expansion, not essential features which should have been there from the start.

    Puccini...there is a post that says "BM2 Full Price wtf"
    something along those lines.
    Go and read it if you'd like, its relevant to your post.

    Other than that, opinions regarding the price of BM2 are out there. Let's not repeat them yeah forum? Id appreciate it.
  • edited 4:18AM
    These are the most important from a producers point of view:
    Soundfont support
    these two enhancements should be in the next update to...
    ...adopt the Midi standard that the devices come with
    ...adopt an acknowledged sample standard so that people who haven't discovered digital music just yesterday have a fair chance to get their sample collections into Beatmaker

    The rest is just to please kids (although Dropbox wouldn't be so bad) and people who wont admit that their purchases of further equipment are in fact obsolete...

    I like how you generalized a whole group of people based off of what they voted for on an app?
    Ever think that people have different work flows?
    <!-- s:| --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":|" title="Neutral" /><!-- s:| -->

    ...or don't work at all...? <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) -->
  • edited 4:18AM
    A producer's point of view? Is that the new word for musician? Artist?

    It's along the lines of referring to a "piece of music" as a "beat" so I thought it would fit perfectly here...
  • edited 4:18AM
    These are the most important from a producers point of view:
    Soundfont support
    these two enhancements should be in the next update to...
    ...adopt the Midi standard that the devices come with
    ...adopt an acknowledged sample standard so that people who haven't discovered digital music just yesterday have a fair chance to get their sample collections into Beatmaker

    The rest is just to please kids (although Dropbox wouldn't be so bad) and people who wont admit that their purchases of further equipment are in fact obsolete...

    I like how you generalized a whole group of people based off of what they voted for on an app?
    Ever think that people have different work flows?
    <!-- s:| --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":|" title="Neutral" /><!-- s:| -->

    ...or don't work at all...? <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) -->

    Itsfunny you mention working. Which if you look at work in the general sense is what many enthusiasts and hobbyists do. Maybe MIDI is important for you? For others being able to work it all on an idevice is what they prefer.

    Consideration. Its part of the human intellect.

    Im not saying that MIDI isn't important, but for you to say that something else isn't?
    Your talking about you, they're talking about us.

    Anyways, votes are coming in. So whatever comes first, comes first.
    its all a plus for me personally.
  • edited 4:18AM
    No sample preview is actually a workflow killer. That would be number 1. The ability to preview samples and audition them interchangeably.
  • edited February 2011
    dropbox for sure, that would take this app to a whole new level.
  • edited 4:18AM
    I voted Dropbox, but for me it is really a tie between Dropbox and SF2 support. I have a large Soundfont library, and to be able to use them in BM2 would be great!
  • edited 4:18AM
    I went with the SF2 cus there was little choice in that list, but to be honest I think..

    -Multiple track, channel, or pad wav export should be on top of that list.. (having only one global export is holding us back a few years at this point)

    -Removable grid in the pattern/note editor is right next(not under) to the top of that list..(right now if I edit any unquantized notes, they get snapped to the nearest grid mark, and that blows..)

    -Automation of Instrument parameters should also be on the list..(How did that get away?)

    -Swing Recording should also have made the list..(Editing your Swinging only after recording does not give the same feel as recording your swing)

    -Global Transpose for the keyboard should have been there already..

    -Pad copy should be there...

    -CPU meter could be another..

    -ALL MIDI options should be no choice but to deliver them...

    These are all high priority even if others don't realize it yet..As great as the program is, BM2 feels incomplete without them..

    Personally I don't like the voting idea, cus you could get a bunch of votes for things not as important and have many important features ignored.. Maybe Intua should consult with a select few who have experience in this field and not just leave it to the open public.. (they don't always know best) Study MPC's and MV-88's a bit more...

    Make them ALL top priority and lets not choose to ignore some for others.... And really, Don't make this a priority feature list, instead make this into your TO DO list... Only then can BM2 be truly complete...<!-- s:geek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_geek.gif" alt=":geek:" title="Geek" /><!-- s:geek: -->
  • edited 4:18AM
    Oh ya we also need triplet quantize.
  • edited 4:18AM
    In app purchase sample packs, presets. Keyboard and drummachine too.
    Rendered loops live mixing, like looptastic or loopextreme.
  • edited 4:18AM
    drop box is number one for me and aux sends <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D -->
  • edited 4:18AM
    1. Coremidi
    2. Note Repeat
    3. SF2
    4. Line6 Support
    5. Akai MPC Import (ooohh did I say that?)
This discussion has been closed.