
edited February 2011 in General
In a small way as I look at the update "options" I have to this a vote cast upon the feature being added period, or is it a vote that just decides what goes in first? I don't know it's kind of like, hey you guys need to vote on the fixing of crashing or you can get the sequencer that don't cut the first bar every time.

To me fixing an app so that it stays at the peak of it's market is just doing the job you chose to do. Leading the market in mobile sampling and sequencing in your better interest...the side effect is the users get a powerful app that works as glitch free as possible...core midi is your responsibility to yourself if you are in a competing app market...if ya don't add that feature you have placed your app in dying situation rather than a competitive situation. So some of these additions, in my OPINION look like things that must be added to stay competitive in the market.

Updates in my opinion would be new and exciting features...hell in app charge for's fair!

1. The effects keep your app from being a serious competitor against hardware, which by the way, is where we are right now as at NAMM it was highly iPhone iPad driven. Your effects need work badly...if you need ideas hit me up, or just look at any piece of great kit...
A. You need a turntable/radio effect see Roland
B. You need a distortion circuit see korg
C. You need a good filter...see Roland v synth
D. You need a tape delay
E. You need reverb choices
F. The eq needs to be graphic like the track eq in logic ...that is GUI I know it's possible
G. Ring modulator? Granulizer
H. Your effect knob sensitivity is's heavy change at the end with almost no change in the beginning.
I. Real bussing! With send this is awesome for your situation with limited portions of reverb can be added to whatever is busses, thru one reverb instead of many reverbs.
J. If you want to lead the pack immortal and take the reigns of power...look at redmatica keymap and get ideas to modify your editor...or see the Roland v synth...
2. Your sequencer has a couple of issues splitting off the first four counts on all tracks at all times, and it copies directly to the right instead of letting you just hold a copy button and drag and drop where ya want it...or similar. These are updates to fix...

Beat maker 2 is a very good app, I have sold it to quite a few fellow producers who even bought iPod touches just to have's a very exciting app with a very promising future! As long as it doesn't have the future of bm1. In app purchases will allow you awesome folks at intua to be compensated for the addition of great new features without scratching this app for a new one and another 2 year creation of a new app. Right now you are the leaders, but the market doesn't sleep...and the hardware developers are getting into the pot....and a great area of concern would be if propeller heads software gets into the app market with some form of reason...which is a monster on a daw. The creator of fruity studio already stated he isn't interested in app the moment.

This community argues about the wrong subject matter. We are all to benefit from intua's wanting to further develop new tech for this pay for it...jail breakers! 20 bucks is nothing anymore...I can spend that in ten minutes...and in the hardware world that won't even buy you one good cable. We should all work together to gather data and improve this already wonderful thing! I use this app everyday! Let's further it...before the big dogs steal the whole show...and for those bitchin about the price...go look at korg's app...higher and does way less, but does sound incredible.

Another thing I would like to mention, is a lot of users want freedom from a daw, but app makers or apple are not allowing things like the camera adapter sd card reader to be a way to get data in and out of the iPad...this is a brilliant solution for transporting, changing, and saving backups on sd cards...why not implement what is there already?


  • edited 8:43AM
    Very good read, Recommended Highly.
  • presumptuous.
  • edited 8:43AM
    Presumptuous ?

    I'm being too forward?

    Explain please?
  • edited 8:43AM
    Haha yes, explain but watch the direction of the convo yeah guys?
  • so.. that was a bit short and snarky of me... but here's my thought:

    I'm kinda bummed by the fact that intua has made this amazing app and what's being discussed isn't what it does, but what it doesn't/should do. nothing in the iOS world can compete with it functionally and, sequencer aside, its practically a 20 dollar mpc 1k. thats huge.

    we're talking about a 20 dollar app made by an independent developer. As detailed and high-quality as it is, I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that the folks at intua would love to see all of the stuff that you listed here in their dream ios app as well. Since it doesn't do everything under the sun, I'm guessing there's a good reason for that. Lack of resources, development time, limitations of the ios platform, etc. etc.... What I'm getting at is that it seems that bm2 is as awesome as it is exactly because intua has correctly prioritized things. They got in all of the essential functionality and got it all right (minus a few bugs that i'm sure'll be ironed out).

    I'd love to see X,Y, and Z effects added. Everyone would. I'd love to see the most intuitive key-mapping interface on earth, and have 128 of the world's best sounding filters per pad. But, because the developer has to prioritize, I'm not gonna hold my breath; and I'm certainly not gonna be disappointed if that sorta stuff doesn't show up. There's definitely stuff that I expect will show up later on like proper aux sends and the like, but that's very different from expecting an ios app to have filter-per-pad that is vsynth quality.

    I just think we need to realistic and understand that there are limits on what can be done.

    having said that, I'd like to see a solid emulation of every 3-knob effect on the sp-303. (but, I'll probably be making music through a helmet that reads my brainwaves by the time thats a viable possibility).

    And in the interest of full disclosure, i'm pushing hard for sf2 support.... so i'm not categorically adverse to expanding functionality.
  • edited 8:43AM
    so.. that was a bit short and snarky of me... but here's my thought:

    I'm kinda bummed by the fact that intua has made this amazing app and what's being discussed isn't what it does, but what it doesn't/should do. nothing in the iOS world can compete with it functionally and, sequencer aside, its practically a 20 dollar mpc 1k. thats huge.

    we're talking about a 20 dollar app made by an independent developer. As detailed and high-quality as it is, I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that the folks at intua would love to see all of the stuff that you listed here in their dream ios app as well. Since it doesn't do everything under the sun, I'm guessing there's a good reason for that. Lack of resources, development time, limitations of the ios platform, etc. etc.... What I'm getting at is that it seems that bm2 is as awesome as it is exactly because intua has correctly prioritized things. They got in all of the essential functionality and got it all right (minus a few bugs that i'm sure'll be ironed out).

    I'd love to see X,Y, and Z effects added. Everyone would. I'd love to see the most intuitive key-mapping interface on earth, and have 128 of the world's best sounding filters per pad. But, because the developer has to prioritize, I'm not gonna hold my breath; and I'm certainly not gonna be disappointed if that sorta stuff doesn't show up. There's definitely stuff that I expect will show up later on like proper aux sends and the like, but that's very different from expecting an ios app to have filter-per-pad that is vsynth quality.

    I just think we need to realistic and understand that there are limits on what can be done.

    having said that, I'd like to see a solid emulation of every 3-knob effect on the sp-303. (but, I'll probably be making music through a helmet that reads my brainwaves by the time thats a viable possibility).
    And in the interest of full disclosure, i'm pushing hard for sf2 support.... so i'm not categorically adverse to expanding functionality.


    I agree. Although its perfectly fine for the forum to ask for certain features, I do think the quality of BM2 is being shortsighted by some.
  • edited 8:43AM
    Ahhhh now we are getting someplace!

    I also feel what was just said. I didn't mean prioritize in the light of "hey intua, your app isn't good". I believe intua has a great app. I honestly do NOT know the limits of iOS... I just know the processor inside the iPad is way more powerful than say the processor inside the Roland v synth xt. I also have other iOS apps with better effects. I also do not believe the least bit that 2 or 3 options that should be a standard should be omitted because they weren't voted for...

    Should there be core midi? Ummm if you want to survive the upcoming onslaught of music apps you better add it.

    That is not an upgrade, that is a developing standard.

    Like I said in other posts, I totally love beat maker 2, but there are some things that need to be implemented a bit smoother here and there. I don't know the experience levels of others on the importation of sounds but it's inconvenient period.

    Intua should come to the forum and tell us things like "hey, your suggestion is possible, and we might explore this further, or hey iOS does not allow this sort of thing.". Intua forum is not a very informative place as it stands. So far all I can tell is this forum is about 60% flamerz ...I have seen worse.

    I encourage intua to become more openly informative about new features or possible failures without of course exposing trade secrets etc. If beat maker was to get an update that just fixed the known bugs, I am very sure I would stay using it....but propeller heads software is tooling away at be warned...just because you ignore the monster, doesn't mean it won't eat you.
  • intua'll hate me for saying this if they get inundated with emails; but i got a really adequate response from them when i sent them an email regarding a feature request.
  • edited 8:43AM
    Ahhhh now we are getting someplace!

    I also feel what was just said. I didn't mean prioritize in the light of "hey intua, your app isn't good". I believe intua has a great app. I honestly do NOT know the limits of iOS... I just know the processor inside the iPad is way more powerful than say the processor inside the Roland v synth xt. I also have other iOS apps with better effects. I also do not believe the least bit that 2 or 3 options that should be a standard should be omitted because they weren't voted for...

    Should there be core midi? Ummm if you want to survive the upcoming onslaught of music apps you better add it.

    That is not an upgrade, that is a developing standard.

    Like I said in other posts, I totally love beat maker 2, but there are some things that need to be implemented a bit smoother here and there. I don't know the experience levels of others on the importation of sounds but it's inconvenient period.

    Intua should come to the forum and tell us things like "hey, your suggestion is possible, and we might explore this further, or hey iOS does not allow this sort of thing.". Intua forum is not a very informative place as it stands. So far all I can tell is this forum is about 60% flamerz ...I have seen worse.

    I encourage intua to become more openly informative about new features or possible failures without of course exposing trade secrets etc. If beat maker was to get an update that just fixed the known bugs, I am very sure I would stay using it....but propeller heads software is tooling away at be warned...just because you ignore the monster, doesn't mean it won't eat you.

    +1 here too
    solid point Guee
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