K.T.F - Megan rath

New beat of my next project. Enjoy. <!-- s8-) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8-)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8-) -->



  • edited 2:44AM
    This is sick man, one of the best mixes ive heard on here
  • edited 2:44AM
    This is sick man, one of the best mixes ive heard on here
    Thanks bro!
  • what are you recording vocals with....nice... westcoast
  • edited 2:44AM
    I got a Samson C10U for recording, but I've learned to mix better, so my vocals are better than before.
  • sounds good.... ima follow you on sound cloud...
  • edited 2:44AM
    sounds good.... ima follow you on sound cloud...
    thanks, i'll follow back. <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) -->

    What do you go by on soundcloud?
  • edited 2:44AM
    great beat are all these just default sounds or samples?
  • edited 2:44AM
    great beat are all these just default sounds or samples?
    Sampled from Robin S.- 'Show me love'. The rest of the kits are mine.
  • edited 2:44AM
    nice, well what do you mean their your kits? you made it, how?? sorry for questions i just enjoy learning BM2
  • edited 2:44AM
    nice, well what do you mean their your kits? you made it, how?? sorry for questions i just enjoy learning BM2
    I recorded some percussions and kicks and put em in beatpack and made a .bmkz file. however, the hats are from another kit from BM2.
  • souns good i will folllow you on soun cloud, do follow me back and give review about my beats,

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