No shuffle or swing?

edited March 2011 in Support
Is there a way to shuffle drum patterns with beatmaker 2 like a mpc? If not, it needs it like pronto. How am i to my dj premire On withOut a swing function(lol) Other than that its great so far?


  • edited 8:56AM
    there is a swing function that is almost exactly like the mpc's.
  • edited 8:56AM
    Is there a way to shuffle drum patterns with beatmaker 2 like a mpc? If not, it needs it like pronto. How am i to my dj premire On withOut a swing function(lol) Other than that its great so far?

    There is a "swing".. but it is in the pattern edit screen..

    Make your beat
    Go in to the sequencer screen and double tap your pattern..
    Once inside, highlight all the notes that need to be swung..
    After you select the targeted notes, look above, just to the right, the gold "tools" will appear....
    Choose the musical note..
    In there make your beat swing as much as you like..

    Granted, it isn't the same as swinging the notes as you record them, but for now this will have to work until Intua see's this as a "priority" And it does work....
  • edited 8:56AM
    Thank for the response Septimo
  • edited 8:56AM
    Is there a way to shuffle drum patterns with beatmaker 2 like a mpc? If not, it needs it like pronto. How am i to my dj premire On withOut a swing function(lol) Other than that its great so far?

    There is a "swing"..

    Granted, it isn't the same as swinging the notes as you record them, but for now this will have to work until Intua see's this as a "priority" And it does work....
    They still need make it shuffle it like the mpc. The less the step editing I have to do, the better. Other than that, Beatmaker is the sh!x!
  • edited 8:56AM
    Is there a way to shuffle drum patterns with beatmaker 2 like a mpc? If not, it needs it like pronto. How am i to my dj premire On withOut a swing function(lol) Other than that its great so far?

    There is a "swing"..

    Granted, it isn't the same as swinging the notes as you record them, but for now this will have to work until Intua see's this as a "priority" And it does work....
    They still need make it shuffle it like the mpc. The less the step editing I have to do, the better. Other than that, Beatmaker is the sh!x!
    Remember the MPC comparable to this program is the 5000 which is over $2000 dollars , BM2 is $20 dollars, don't expect miracles overnight!!!
    We got some key features put in from our suggestions of the BM1 so intua does listen!!!
    Find a way ,that's how Hip Hop has always been made!!! With limited technology and finding away to make the machine do what we want it to do!!!
  • edited 8:56AM
    !!! um... yeah!!! <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) -->

    But I don't think BM2 was a result of Intua "listenin".. I think it was a next, common sense step for intua instead... I mean, let's give them some credit, i think they knew where they wanted to go.. Now that it is out and it has a bunch of details still not in there, we'll see if they actually listen... Besides that, swingin or shuffling a beat is not something you "workaround" it's either there or it isn't.. and it does have it, just not how one would prefer it..Unless you were to record without quantize.. But that's another reason why we need to have the grid removable from the edit screen so we can correct timing issues when we don't use quantize... But I did some experimenting and came out with good and different results using the swing rate and trying different resolutions.. This is where all who want to swing should come and experiment,, The 96 resolution gives you a different and less of a swing than a 16.. Good to just push the beat a little out of it's initial stiffness instead of swingin it completely... Try it...
  • edited 8:56AM
    !!! um... yeah!!! <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) -->

    But I don't think BM2 was a result of Intua "listenin".. I think it was a next, common sense step for intua instead... I mean, let's give them some credit, i think they knew where they wanted to go.. Now that it is out and it has a bunch of details still not in there, we'll see if they actually listen... Besides that, swingin or shuffling a beat is not something you "workaround" it's either there or it isn't.. and it does have it, just not how one would prefer it..Unless you were to record without quantize.. But that's another reason why we need to have the grid removable from the edit screen so we can correct timing issues when we don't use quantize... But I did some experimenting and came out with good and different results using the swing rate and trying different resolutions.. This is where all who want to swing should come and experiment,, The 96 resolution gives you a different and less of a swing than a 16.. Good to just push the beat a little out of it's initial stiffness instead of swingin it completely... Try it...
    I remember distinctly that Intua asked us for suggestions and we gave them our suggestions. Yes they had ideas but we also had ideas. Go back to the BM forum and if they still have them you can read for yourself. They did listen!!! Don't expect a 20 dollar program to match a 2000 dollar piece of equipment overnight. There will still be updates to come that will fix some of your issues.
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