Pissed using the chop lab

edited March 2011 in Support
I'm auto chopping any song and only one sample goes to all the pads. I've tried using a wave form, aiff.........
Still the same. I reinstalled the app and worked one time. And that's the only time. Intua support please help. I know others are having the problem too. thank you


  • edited 11:31PM
    You are doing it wrong ( I apologize if it seems like I am yelling at you)
    Here is what you must do. Read the Manuel first then harken unto mine instructions
    After you have chopped the sample to your liking ,do nothing except push the x at the upper left hand that will seem like you are quitting the program. Then you will be taken to a menue where you will have options before making a program that will place your chops on as many pads as your chops up to 16.
    Now I want you to watch the demo of BM2 and the Chop Shop demo and watch carefully that's how I
    Learned how to do it and I have had no problems.
    PEACE be still and be pissed no more!!! <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->
  • Hey Shaun, there is definitely something buggy going on. I've had the same issue repeatedly with some samples and not with others. After exiting the chop lab, instead of saving a folder with 16 chopped samples BM2 creates a folder with only 1 sample and assigns it to all 16 pads. It's not just people doing it wrong.

    Since you've had no issues, how have you been importing your samples (iPod library import, Filezilla, etc) and what types of files have you been using (.mp3, .aiff)?
  • edited October 2013
  • edited 11:31PM
    I'm using the iPhone4 16gb. Before I even start a project in BM2 I reset my iPhone to clear the RAM. So far I haven't had any crashes or bugs or anything. I have only used samples from my iTunes library. I somtimes save my work every once in a while after I chop up a big sample or do anything that takes up memory and reset my phone. Its good to always have as much memory as possible.(things run a lot smoother) Even turning off wifi and 3G can save memory.
  • edited 11:31PM
    Hey Shaun, there is definitely something buggy going on. I've had the same issue repeatedly with some samples and not with others. After exiting the chop lab, instead of saving a folder with 16 chopped samples BM2 creates a folder with only 1 sample and assigns it to all 16 pads. It's not just people doing it wrong.

    Since you've had no issues, how have you been importing your samples (iPod library import, Filezilla, etc) and what types of files have you been using (.mp3, .aiff)?
    I use FileZilla and .WAV files!
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