Tempo change in a song?

edited March 2011 in Support
Can you change a the tempo of a song mid way? I basically want to have the ending of my song slow down more then 50%....can this happen in BM2?


  • edited 4:31AM
    if im not wrong just edit the last sequence and grab the note that you want to slow down, and click the like volume icon on the top near the music note then you can see a Vel, Tune,and Pan, is this is the one that you need?
  • edited 4:31AM
    that wouldn't really work. i want to slow just the last 30 sec of the whole song. (all the tracks) not just one sequence.... Basically changing the whole songs tempo.
  • edited 4:31AM
    It's not possible right now. Tempo changes are an area where iOS music apps are lacking — I don't know of any that allow for it.
  • edited 4:31AM
    this needs to be addressed!
  • edited 4:31AM
    Can't you just Save your project to a whole new file (basically copy it). Then change the tempo of the copied song to what ever you want. Export just the region that you want to have the tempo change to audio file. Just get that one file and put it on a pad and insert it where you want the tempo change. ( the whole part you wanted tempo change on will be one sample)
  • edited 4:31AM
    Ya you can do that, good work around. i haven't tried it yet. hopefully it will be addressed someday.
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