edited May 2011 in Support
What the hell Intua! can we get a respond, somethan? how long does it take to get a update? is there going to be an upadate? where is the customer service mate?


  • edited 12:57PM
    where is the customer service mate?

    Does NOT exist I'm afraid, so look elsewhere... <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) -->
    Intua will NOT respond and we can expect iPad update (or NOT) in 2012, I hope...
    "Coming soon" statement is just load of crap just lure more customers to buy the app.
  • edited 12:57PM
    I am one of those that bought based on the "iPad version coming soon" statement. Learned my lesson, but it took me getting burned twice. You see I bought NanoStudion in July of last year, based on it's developer saying the same thing.

    From now on a developer does not get my money, based on what their software will be in the future. I will buy based on what the software actually is. It seems that some developers words are like those of politicians, they are just ear candy.
  • edited 12:57PM
    Hey Intua!
    You no longer mention the iPad version on AppStore. I bought this app BECAUSE of this promise. This is no way to treat your users! Better get this done or give me a refund. Shape up!
  • edited 12:57PM
    I believe intua does indeed respond...
    They just do not respond to New feature requests etc...its kinda like givin away your secrets...i dont think they will change much here.

    Intua, from what i gather is hiring! So they are trying to address some things.

    Lets give them a chance, besides what else is there at the moment?

    Has anyone seen 4pockets new app for ipad...METEOR looks insane, will be copping it for 29.99 or 39.99 when it hits the store!

    Nanostudio's developer is still making an ipad version, he has publically appologized for his latent release...but it is indeed coming, i think ipad development is okay, but unless you are seriously changing the app to use the added power, i really could care less...as it looks good on my ipad2 right now. There are way more serious things to address in my honest opinion.

    Sharing of actual songfiles and samples is lame, across the entire board on all ipad apps...not just intua
    Sequencer in bm2 is nice, but could be better in a few little areas as far as moving tracks etc
    The sampler keyboard doesnt have a few key features to seperate it from the drum machine
    There needs to be an autosave to fix a few sequence lost things that have happened to me and others
    E f f e c t s need a huge overhaul...even if we get some offline stuff in the editor to save on cpu

    But remember the more complex code gets, the more opportunities for bugs and the more cpu cycles spin down the drain.
    Effects like reverb and delay are cpu hogs even on desktop daws with more ram and speed than the iphone or the ipad for days...

    But autorendering or track freezing like on the upcoming meteor app will open doors.

    Kudos to INTUA for making such a wonderful workstation on such small devices!!! And for selling it so incredibly cheap!!
    If they had time to troll this page they wouldnt have time to develop...so there is a balance to achieve at the end of a day!

    I am just in hopes that a few of the suggestions we have made will touch the next version!!
    If beatmaker never got any better, i am still very sure that. I will continue to use it daily!
  • edited 12:57PM
    Oops i also forgot to add...
    Does anyone just stop bitching sometimes and think ...wow... I have a fugging decent studio that fits in my pocket, sounds just as good as 30 pound hardware boxes, cost me a twenty, and this is ever so amazing on all levels, my crew is greatful and still bewildered by the devs and apple for such a wonderful piece of technology.

    Just remember 6 years ago, this didnt exist period!

    Its wild when ya think about it... Remember when atari 2600 came out with "lifelike" graphics hahahaha
    I do!

    You guys havent had to shell out thousands for mpcs etc...well at least some of you.

    Once this thing gets some added features it will kill my 2500.00 mv8800 i used to own, its already faster and better in many ways.
  • edited 12:57PM

    The native iPad version is taking time because many parts of the interface had to be reworked and redesigned differently. This can be a long process when you are already working on a large code base such as for BeatMaker 2. There are still some UI improvements to do, and then the beta testing phase, after that it's all good!

  • edited 12:57PM
    Thanks for the update, Colin. Do you know if Dropbox support will be in this update?
  • edited 12:57PM
    Thanks Colin! Good to know it's on the horizon. This will be awsome.
  • edited 12:57PM
    @kadatah: yes, dropbox support will be there too!
  • edited 12:57PM
    Good news! And communicating with your customers.... A good idea.... Don't ya think? What a difference a response makes......Thanks!
  • edited 12:57PM

    The native iPad version is taking time because many parts of the interface had to be reworked and redesigned differently. This can be a long process when you are already working on a large code base such as for BeatMaker 2. There are still some UI improvements to do, and then the beta testing phase, after that it's all good!

    Thanks heaps for finally breaking the infamous Intua code of silence... <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) -->
    While you on a roll, can you give us ETA on iPad edition please, or is it to much to ask (again)...?
  • edited May 2011
  • edited 12:57PM
  • edited 12:57PM
    I really hope this happens soon! My eyes are going bad <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->.....any time frame...Days, weeks, months?
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