Question mark Folder

edited May 2011 in Support
Hi team,

I was wondering i installed Beatmaker today and was amazed, after having everthing wokrin no problem, I now
have the following problem.. When i open a beat machine, ( pads ) and click load preset, and i try to load
the stuff in " my contecnt" folder it esot not work because on the right there is a questionmark foler...

i on Ipad ( if it helps )



  • edited 7:27AM

    The "My content" directory contains the files you've been saving (user presets, projects and samples). If you haven't saved any drum machine preset yet, the folder will be empty. Remember that the file browser only lists files depending on the context (i.e if you are trying to load a preset, only .bmk2 files will be shown, if you are loading a sample, only .wav and .aiff files, etc...)

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