I am working, but noted that 2.1 has dropped. Will be late this afternoon before I can get my hands on it.... So, those who get it first, what are your first impressions?
but on my iPad2, drum machine pad does not fit properly.
pad's location and sample's location does not fit on iPad. (on my iphone pad and sample fit properly, i think this problems comes because of deference of the iphone and ipad screen size)
That's really strange yhj0211... I've downloaded and tinkered around... All seems to work great for me... I really like what I've see up untill now...
Maybe you should delete... Then sync with your itunes so it effectively erases all plists (prefs) previously generated, then redownload and reinstall....
On another note... This update is really nice intua... I think it really is a true upgrade in all the sense of the word... Same concepts taken to the right path... Haven't tried coremidi yet... But I really like the way you've implemented automation on everything,.. Also the view in ipad will really allow for much more productivity... And the midi assignments look robust... Nice work!
All in all, I think the update (iPad 2 user) is a big improvement. The layout is much better and will definitely improve workflow for me. Now, when you tap the home button, a mini window pops up with the sequencer, mixer, sample editor, Sharing, Project, and instrument buttons. Big improvement that speeds things up!
I still would like to see a save button on the sequencer, instrument, and mixer screens. As is, it still requires at least 3 taps to save the current file. (BTW, Intua, you never responded to my posts in the Support forum re: adding a save button and explaining how the autosave works. As is, I'm still obsessively making the round trip over to the save button so that I won't lose any work.)
On the down side, I'm still getting a lot of buggy action. I have a large project that triggers several large samples. The file worked fine in 2.0. In 2.1, it cut oiut about 1/2 way through the song. I increased the memory to 96 MB and that seems to have fixed the problem. Also, in the same file, keyboard part wasn't putting any sound out. I could see the keys moving, but no sound. After checking all of the mutes, I loaded a different sound and problem was solved. Then I switched it back to the orginal sound. But no buggy action so far with my projects that are using smaller samples and/or the included BM2 samples. That's a big improvement. I usually run BM2 with only 1-2 other apps open, at most, so I wonder if it can handle having the memory setting on unlimited? I'll try that out later to see how stable it is on my iPad.
I don't have an midi connection for my iPad yet, so I haven't tried that yet. I'm hoping the camera connection kit works as a usb to midi connector. (I haven't read the BM2 manual about the midi input stuff yet.)
UPDATE: No further problems with the large samples since increasing the memory setting (and restarting). It's working fine with the unlimited memory, so I'll prob leave it on that setting and keep an eye on the memory info in the top left. Great to have the info screen with battery and audio engine usage (Intua, please put back in the time somewhere. It's too easy to lose track of the time and get into trouble <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> .) Also, thank Goodness for changing the text keyboard to the standard Apple keyboard. IMHO great update. Looking forward to trying automation. I hope some of you post on how that's working. Ok, sorry for posting a novel. <!-- s --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt="" title="Mr. Green" /><!-- s -->
Hi, I owned BM1 and liked it but pretty much stopped using it upon getting an iPad. Just bought BM2 and I really, really like it.
BM2 is one of the few apps out there that actually support odd meters, which is huge for me. I love the drum machine but the keyboard sampler is a mixed bag. The interface is great and intuitive, but the included samples don't really cut it for anything but rough mixes.
Overall, love the app -- quick, intuitive, powerful for such a portable package and the native iPad interface is so much easier to use. Just need to spend some time building my own sample libraries.
Yeah, I hope that Intua will soon add the ability to use multiple time signatures in a project. A lot of stuff that I'm writing doesn't stay in 1 time signature through the whole tune. I don't think any of the IOS music apps have added multiple time sigs yet...
but on my iPad2, drum machine pad does not fit properly.
pad's location and sample's location does not fit on iPad. (on my iphone pad and sample fit properly, i think this problems comes because of deference of the iphone and ipad screen size)
i reinstalled BM2.1 but the problem is same.
is it just on my case?
I have exactly the same problem on my iPad 2 <!-- s --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt="" title="Crying or Very Sad" /><!-- s --> Have reinstalled and resynced with iTunes with no luck. Bummer!
Maaaaan! I was at the chinese food restaurant and I seen the app upgrade for BM 2.1 I told that chinese lady hurry up I buy... But the app is Great I do have to get used to the new set up and menu, But its a lot crisper and I actually have so much room for note editing and such. Great Job Intua, great job indeed. Just before you start, go to the BM 2.1 preference setting and put the memory limit to no limit and you should load samples fine. I haven't tried the midi yet but I will be hooking it up tonight. another thing I love is opening other windows while messing with the sequencer. So far I'm impressed and proud and will be sweating the program for a while.
Just spent about 20 minutes with it..... ipad support, check. Core midi, check. Those were the two main things for me, and it looks and works great! <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->
My iPad 2 is not 3g (I tether to my iPhone instead) so I do not have the 3g problem. Lots of room for more features, and improvements. But, for me at lest, BM2 is now a solid core sequencer for the iPad. Congrats to Intua, and I hope they make some money off this! And if Intua adds some cool in app purchaces, I will be happy to support them with more of my money. I am very pleased.
BM2 has been out less than half the time Nanostudion has, and kept their promise and gave iPad support. In July 2010 I bought NS because Matt said on the forum that iPad support was on the way. 13 months later, and STILL no iPad support. I am not dissing NS, I'm just saying I felt cheated making my buying decision based on what he said...... anyway...
Going to finish up a bit more work, and then dig into BM2..... thank you Intua!
my bm2.1 is buggy and small as hell. i deleted it from my iPad and reinstalled it and still having same issue. i was impatient all day when i saw the update was in the app store. had to wait til i got home to dload it only to see it buggy like it is. well i waited this long ill wait a lil bit longer til they put out the fix for the bugs...SSSIIIGGGHHH!!!!!
This update is awesome! I really like it running on my ipad2 <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> it is the best and most complete workstation for ios.
Btw I had to eliminate Retinapad ( that I only used with bm2) to get it running nicely!
thanx intua great job!
This update is awesome! I really like it running on my ipad2 <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> it is the best and most complete workstation for ios.
Btw I had to eliminate Retinapad ( that I only used with bm2) to get it running nicely!
thanx intua great job!
Retina pad also messed with my update. Once I uninstalled it, everything was lovely. The interface is much better. Thanx intua.
I have to say this was worth the wait....I wanted more sounds, but I can just add some samples and get it done myself.
The interface looks awesome! The mixer and sequencer look like a real daw, and it responds very well to finger touch. I always thought the previous version was a little dark, thi one is perfect o n the eyes. I love how I can now scroll the keys without touching the zone map tool, that is dope, especially when trying to lay down chords. Good job adding master fader that was a must. I don't think I can go back to a laptop at this point...it wou ld be like going backwards, the workflow on this is just to good! I'm gonna test core midi later on. If you guys ever add a synth to this thing GAME OVER! You will dominate the iOS market, hands down. Congrats intua, you just changed the game...just dont get lazy, keep it up, more updates, more in-app purchase for sounds, audio tracks, etc, this app in my opinion is worth way more than it sells for.
The addition of CoreMIDI is almost great, but why MIDI in only?
Why only export a MIDI file?
I've got BM2 listening to Ableton Live MIDI notes, and recording them in BM2 over WIFI,
but why can't BM2 send notes etc to another device, in realtime, over WIFI?
You're almost there! Please, please-!!! Don't make me use Xewton-!
I like the bigger workspace on my ipad 1.
But BM 2.1 is very buggy.
Crashed my ipad completely after 10 minutes of usage.
After reboot next time it took 15 minutes <!-- s:-( --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":-(" title="Sad" /><!-- s:-( -->
I must say... I pretty much skipped work all day to play with the app... I didn't have one bug, the app didn't close on me at any point... The best of all, for the very first time I feel that a track on the app took the shape I trully wanted it to achieve without having to move the tracks to my regular DAW... It's been a pleasure to play around with all day long... Congratulations on this release Intua.
It's almost there for me. I use an iPod 4th gen with an akai s25. Core MIDI is a great addition but doesn't work with the S25 which is a downer at this time. I look forward to the akai support
I like the bigger workspace on my ipad 1.
But BM 2.1 is very buggy.
Crashed my ipad completely after 10 minutes of usage.
After reboot next time it took 15 minutes <!-- s:-( --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":-(" title="Sad" /><!-- s:-( -->
I dont wanna be a beta-tester!
And you are not a beta tester. It is stable on iPads for many. Be sure you do not have anything running in the background. And be sure to up the memory for sample use. Go to settings on your iPad, tap on Beatmaker 2, and adjust it to at least 96megs.......
I will clarify a bit the current situation on memory management in BM2 and, more generally iOS.
With the introduction of iOS 4 and multi-tasking, multiple apps can run in background
while one foreground app is running. If the foreground app needs more memory but
none is available, it will start killing background applications. The system (i.e.: iOS kernel)
starts notifying the running application with low memory warnings, at different levels.
The app should free some memory, but for BeatMaker 2 that would mean unloading samples, which doesn't
make sense.
Believe me, we've tried a lot of workarounds, but with the system being unable to allocate
a fixed amount of memory, we had to go with the hard sample memory limit.
We've decided to set it to 32MB, which seems relatively safe in most case as most user have quite a lot of background
apps running. If you want to work with 64, 96 limit or no limit at all, be sure to reboot your device and
exit background apps (See <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://timeread.hubpages.com/hub/How-stop-background-apps-on-an-iPhone-iPad-or-iPod-Touch-running-iOS">http://timeread.hubpages.com/hub/How-st ... unning-iOS</a><!-- m --> ).
A special note for the "no limit" setting: BeatMaker 2 will not warn you it is about to be
killed by iOS, so, be careful and try to use this setting if you're confident about it. Personally, I would recommend 64MB for 1st generation iPads,
iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3G 32GB. For iPads 2, iTouch & iPhone 4G, 96MB is okay, but as always, exit any background apps beforehand!
@thesavage: we've submitted the update yesterday and have asked Apple to expressly review it.
It should be available anytime soon (hours, maximum 1 or 2 days) !
Again, we're sorry for the inconvenience,
The Intua Team
The 2.1.1 update has arrived, it could take a few minutes to reach every App Store but it has been approved.
For all 3G iPad owners, please update ASAP to enjoy the real native iPad interface !
I have to say GOOD JOB! Intua, it took you guys a while and a lot of us talking smack but it was all out of love for the product. Now i think if intua puts out like two or three updates at a time maybe it will make it easier and quicker to get them out. But nothing but respect intua. <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" /><!-- s;) -->
but on my iPad2, drum machine pad does not fit properly.
pad's location and sample's location does not fit on iPad. (on my iphone pad and sample fit properly, i think this problems comes because of deference of the iphone and ipad screen size)
i reinstalled BM2.1 but the problem is same.
is it just on my case?
Maybe you should delete... Then sync with your itunes so it effectively erases all plists (prefs) previously generated, then redownload and reinstall....
On another note... This update is really nice intua... I think it really is a true upgrade in all the sense of the word... Same concepts taken to the right path... Haven't tried coremidi yet... But I really like the way you've implemented automation on everything,.. Also the view in ipad will really allow for much more productivity... And the midi assignments look robust... Nice work!
I still would like to see a save button on the sequencer, instrument, and mixer screens. As is, it still requires at least 3 taps to save the current file. (BTW, Intua, you never responded to my posts in the Support forum re: adding a save button and explaining how the autosave works. As is, I'm still obsessively making the round trip over to the save button so that I won't lose any work.)
On the down side, I'm still getting a lot of buggy action. I have a large project that triggers several large samples. The file worked fine in 2.0. In 2.1, it cut oiut about 1/2 way through the song. I increased the memory to 96 MB and that seems to have fixed the problem. Also, in the same file, keyboard part wasn't putting any sound out. I could see the keys moving, but no sound. After checking all of the mutes, I loaded a different sound and problem was solved. Then I switched it back to the orginal sound. But no buggy action so far with my projects that are using smaller samples and/or the included BM2 samples. That's a big improvement. I usually run BM2 with only 1-2 other apps open, at most, so I wonder if it can handle having the memory setting on unlimited? I'll try that out later to see how stable it is on my iPad.
I don't have an midi connection for my iPad yet, so I haven't tried that yet. I'm hoping the camera connection kit works as a usb to midi connector. (I haven't read the BM2 manual about the midi input stuff yet.)
UPDATE: No further problems with the large samples since increasing the memory setting (and restarting). It's working fine with the unlimited memory, so I'll prob leave it on that setting and keep an eye on the memory info in the top left. Great to have the info screen with battery and audio engine usage (Intua, please put back in the time somewhere. It's too easy to lose track of the time and get into trouble <!-- s:D --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s:D --> .) Also, thank Goodness for changing the text keyboard to the standard Apple keyboard. IMHO great update. Looking forward to trying automation. I hope some of you post on how that's working. Ok, sorry for posting a novel. <!-- s
BM2 is one of the few apps out there that actually support odd meters, which is huge for me. I love the drum machine but the keyboard sampler is a mixed bag. The interface is great and intuitive, but the included samples don't really cut it for anything but rough mixes.
Overall, love the app -- quick, intuitive, powerful for such a portable package and the native iPad interface is so much easier to use. Just need to spend some time building my own sample libraries.
I have exactly the same problem on my iPad 2 <!-- s
My iPad 2 is not 3g (I tether to my iPhone instead) so I do not have the 3g problem. Lots of room for more features, and improvements. But, for me at lest, BM2 is now a solid core sequencer for the iPad. Congrats to Intua, and I hope they make some money off this! And if Intua adds some cool in app purchaces, I will be happy to support them with more of my money. I am very pleased.
BM2 has been out less than half the time Nanostudion has, and kept their promise and gave iPad support. In July 2010 I bought NS because Matt said on the forum that iPad support was on the way. 13 months later, and STILL no iPad support. I am not dissing NS, I'm just saying I felt cheated making my buying decision based on what he said...... anyway...
Going to finish up a bit more work, and then dig into BM2..... thank you Intua!
Btw I had to eliminate Retinapad ( that I only used with bm2) to get it running nicely!
thanx intua great job!
to Apple, which fix the interface layout problem.
More information in this thread: <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.intua.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2355">viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2355</a><!-- l -->
Sorry for the inconvenience!
The Intua Team
Retina pad also messed with my update. Once I uninstalled it, everything was lovely. The interface is much better. Thanx intua.
The interface looks awesome! The mixer and sequencer look like a real daw, and it responds very well to finger touch. I always thought the previous version was a little dark, thi one is perfect o n the eyes. I love how I can now scroll the keys without touching the zone map tool, that is dope, especially when trying to lay down chords. Good job adding master fader that was a must. I don't think I can go back to a laptop at this point...it wou ld be like going backwards, the workflow on this is just to good! I'm gonna test core midi later on. If you guys ever add a synth to this thing GAME OVER! You will dominate the iOS market, hands down. Congrats intua, you just changed the game...just dont get lazy, keep it up, more updates, more in-app purchase for sounds, audio tracks, etc, this app in my opinion is worth way more than it sells for.
Why only export a MIDI file?
I've got BM2 listening to Ableton Live MIDI notes, and recording them in BM2 over WIFI,
but why can't BM2 send notes etc to another device, in realtime, over WIFI?
You're almost there! Please, please-!!! Don't make me use Xewton-!
But I must say, I'm glad to have this on the iPad.
Must add's:
Audio track
That's all for now.
Great job, btw
But BM 2.1 is very buggy.
Crashed my ipad completely after 10 minutes of usage.
After reboot next time it took 15 minutes <!-- s:-( --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":-(" title="Sad" /><!-- s:-( -->
I dont wanna be a beta-tester!
And you are not a beta tester. It is stable on iPads for many. Be sure you do not have anything running in the background. And be sure to up the memory for sample use. Go to settings on your iPad, tap on Beatmaker 2, and adjust it to at least 96megs.......
I will clarify a bit the current situation on memory management in BM2 and, more generally iOS.
With the introduction of iOS 4 and multi-tasking, multiple apps can run in background
while one foreground app is running. If the foreground app needs more memory but
none is available, it will start killing background applications. The system (i.e.: iOS kernel)
starts notifying the running application with low memory warnings, at different levels.
The app should free some memory, but for BeatMaker 2 that would mean unloading samples, which doesn't
make sense.
Believe me, we've tried a lot of workarounds, but with the system being unable to allocate
a fixed amount of memory, we had to go with the hard sample memory limit.
We've decided to set it to 32MB, which seems relatively safe in most case as most user have quite a lot of background
apps running. If you want to work with 64, 96 limit or no limit at all, be sure to reboot your device and
exit background apps (See <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://timeread.hubpages.com/hub/How-stop-background-apps-on-an-iPhone-iPad-or-iPod-Touch-running-iOS">http://timeread.hubpages.com/hub/How-st ... unning-iOS</a><!-- m --> ).
A special note for the "no limit" setting: BeatMaker 2 will not warn you it is about to be
killed by iOS, so, be careful and try to use this setting if you're confident about it. Personally, I would recommend 64MB for 1st generation iPads,
iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 3G 32GB. For iPads 2, iTouch & iPhone 4G, 96MB is okay, but as always, exit any background apps beforehand!
"32MB should be enough for everyone!"
It should be available anytime soon (hours, maximum 1 or 2 days) !
Again, we're sorry for the inconvenience,
The Intua Team
The 2.1.1 update has arrived, it could take a few minutes to reach every App Store but it has been approved.
For all 3G iPad owners, please update ASAP to enjoy the real native iPad interface !
Enjoy !