Help me sample a song?

edited August 2008 in General
Hey everyone,

I have been having trouble getting my kits to work in beatmaker, there always is an error.

I was wondering if I sent someone a song the could sample in beatpack for me.

My e-mail is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> if you are interested


    edited 12:31AM
    Hey everyone,

    I have been having trouble getting my kits to work in beatmaker, there always is an error.

    I was wondering if I sent someone a song the could sample in beatpack for me.

    My e-mail is <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e --> if you are interested

    Keep trying thectscorndog or give us specifics as to the problems you are facing. Its rather easy chopping samples and dropping them onto BeatPack...
  • edited 12:31AM
    Well, when I try opening them in beat maker I get this error that it can't load or it won't work

    What type of audio files do they have to be to put them into beatpack?
  • edited 12:31AM
    Your sample files should be:
    wav, 16-bit @ 41.400Hz
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