An interesting discussion that leads where to go from here..

edited November 2011 in General

I've been arround the camel audio kvr forum because I really dig alchemy mobile and I wanted to tell the camel guys a few pointers that I thought should be worked out on the app to make it even more functional... They responded to the ideas quite good (virtual midi devices, record on first note played, etc), and today I posted something else (look for the bold typeface in the quote):

"I think the option to reduce polyphony sounds fine as long as the user can control how much to reduce vs audio quality degradation... I've done quite some tests on my ipad 2... Still haven't encountered glitches... What I do find at times is some midi latency... So also adding a hi/med/low latency settings would also be great.

Alchemy is my favorite ios synth... I really love it... But these concepts seem vital today... Also, I wonder: now that AU plugins are supported on ios5... I bet someone will come forward with a DAW type app soon that can host them... Do you plan on porting something in that direction? "

Their answer:

"We're working on an Alchemy Mobile update now, which will include some of the features you've been asking for. Hopefully it will be ready next week. As for running AU plugins on iOS, yes that does seem to be the direction this is heading and since we already provide AU support for Mac one would assume that will also include AU for iOS. Of course, we'll need a significant boost in CPU to provide full support for plugins like Alchemy"

As you can see... Other very experienced companies are betting that the evolution of this will aim towards AU plugin integration... And I also notice that many people here complain about the quality of the fx in Beatmaker 2.... I really think that you guys (Intua off course) should put some consideration into working the iOS AU plugin hosting into Beatmaker... You could pretty much instantly upgrade the fx chain with the apple AU for iOS already available in the ios5 developer sdk available now (add but leave the original ones too off course), plus expect other plugins to arrive from other companies that will enrich it further down the road... I think maybe alchemy AU would need too much horsepower, but how about camelphat or camelspace... That sounds a lot more realistic... And beatmaker would become the spearhead that breaks into this revolution... AU plugins and audio tracks... That would be a great step for the next update (2.3) ...

Just some brain food... Warmest Regards


  • edited 6:11AM
    The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->
  • Hi,

    Yes, we are following the developments of the AU plugin architecture on iOS with great interest. As soon as the technical and legal issues (AU plugins are dynamic libraries on the Mac, which are prohibited on iOS) are worked out, we'll probably be heading toward this direction too.

  • edited 6:11AM
    Ooooh i love camelphat and camelspace!

    Oh man i hope they do let you guys use the au plugs that are already in place

    This is going to be insane!

    Im giddy
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