Update to: Background apps (MIDI, audio)

edited May 2012 in Support
Hey guys,

I was playing around with the background apps settings and noticed the howto sticky is missing some semi optional settings.

In the background app, you can set the midi IN channel (between 1 - 16) and then within Beatmaker2 you can select the midi out channel for the empty keyboard track you're using. You have to matchup the midi out channel in Beatmaker2 with the one you set in your background app.

In sunrizer you click the 'utils' button and then settings in the sub menu, near the bottom are your midi options. In Addictive synth i believe the midi channel button is right beside the "BKGD Audio" button in the top left.

By doing this I've managed to control both addictive and Sunrizer at the same time in Beatmaker2. Although it had various lag issues, especially when adjusting filter frequencies in Sunrizer. This was on an Ipad 2 however, maybe the next gen ones have better performance for this? If anyone has tested this out I'd like to know cause it would be sweet!

Cheers to Intua on making such a great product. I've played with regular PC daws like Abelton and Reason etc. But they never resonated with me as much as Beatmaker2 does. With the right creativity any song is possible with Beatmaker 2.


  • edited 10:43AM
    Cheers to Intua on making such a great product. I've played with regular PC daws like Abelton and Reason etc. But they never resonated with me as much as Beatmaker2 does. With the right creativity any song is possible with Beatmaker 2.

    Couldn't have said it better... The workflow is amazing!
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