Is the BPM slider UI difficult to use?

edited June 2012 in Support
Or am I the only one?
I'm always feeling it's sliding too fast, and it's impossible to get my exact BPM in quickly.
I keep having to fiddle around left and right to finally get even close to my BPM.
Then, I have to agonize while the [-] [+] buttons fine tune altogether too slowly.
Am I missing something to make BPM entry easier, or does this happen to you too?


  • edited 4:48PM
    I agree. If you are starting a project and want to set the bpm initially.
    Otherwise I just tap the tempo and fine tune with the buttons. Seems like it's geared towards a live type situation.
    Would like to see an option to numerically enter the bpm....
  • edited 4:48PM
    I agree.
    I would also love to see the option to (x) clear the naming of saves etc instead of having to backspace over the entire name. That would be a crucial add... Its these little frustrating things that add up and create the bad user experience.

    Imagine a day where you can save with the (x) and then type your sequence or project name, then you just type in the tempo you want instead of playing the gas pum game with tap tempo and plus minus...ahhhhhh, and lets go even further to say all you sequences are sealed in a nice zip file with sounds included...oh boy! Thats an update!

    Beatmaker2 is a very dope app, perhaps the one I use the most...and even though it is killer, there are some very fixable issues with it...that shouldnt have taken a year to address in my opinion.
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