how do you change beat signature to 6/8

edited January 2013 in Support
I only wnated a drum machine when I downloaded the Beatmaker 2 to my Iphone 5. I got a lot more than just a drum machine, which is good. However, I have been trying to make a beat on the drum machine with 6/8 signature. I don't know how to do this?

When I go to the songs, the signature changes only in the 1/4 steps.



  • edited 5:58AM
    Hello javidv,

    At the moment, BeatMaker only supports n/4 signatures -- from 2/4 to up to 19/4.

  • edited 5:58AM
    That's the question I was getting ready to ask. I work with West African rhythms, 6/8 is absolutely necessary. Is this on the roadmap? If not, I'll have to find another piece of software. That sucks, because this one is REALLY nice.

  • edited 5:58AM

    Was this mentioned anwhere in the description of the product? As milchman has also metioned, 6/8 beat is essential to my music and if you can not provide me with a date on when you will add that to the software, I would have to look for other software. $19.99 is a lot to pay for a software that you can not even use.

  • edited 5:58AM
    You CAN use 3/4. Though it is formally not the same, at least you can work with it. It's only the metronome click, which isn't right. Anything else is exactly like working with 6/8.
  • edited 5:58AM
    Yep, just have to double the tempo setting.
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