concerning project saving...

edited February 2013 in Support
A little confused as to why BM2 saves like this-
Save a new project. Check "copy samples".
Project file and sample folder appear.
Later on after reaching an important change in the track and after adding more samples, I go and "save as". Long ago I started putting numbers behind the project name, for example "McGee$ Beat 1-1", and the next milestone in the project bumps up one number: "McGee$ Beat 1-2".
Now: if I leave "copy samples" unchecked, BM2 saves the new project file and all is good. If I check "copy samples", BM2 creates a whole new project folder within the original project folder. Very awkward!

How does everyone else save? I suppose since audio track files are not saved in the corresponding project folder yet, and I am saving all of my presets as they are created (helps out in the sequencer window without having to name tracks right away) maybe there is no reason to save with "copy samples" checked.

PS has anyone encountered this?
in the my content folder, along with the usual "last session" backup, I have a ".last_tmp.bm2" file. wierd.
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