How to get good loop points on instruments in the keyboard sampler

edited August 2013 in Support
i was wondering, can anyone can give me any tips on this?

I have some samples I found online from real instruments via the university of iowa music program and they're very good. I have been trying to create my own pesets using them. But for some reason I cannot get them to loop right. Are they any tips to this?


  • Can anyone help me?
  • In other hardware and software samplers we pick a rough section that we want in the loop part of the sound (keydown) then we zoom the beginning and end until at the sample level and pick our final points based on the line cross...i.e. where the wave file crosses the center line....then we use crossfade tools to get it tweaked in. In beatmaker your good until the corssfade part. Also per wave, per layer tools such as filters, adsr, etc will help the process...this is all global in bm2, so the sampler will not be able to mimic real instruments until this is all added...if it ever is.
  • Oh makes sense..This sucks. :-(
  • You can edit samples and loops inside BM2 then assign to the relevant keys by adding zones to an empty keyboard instrument. I've done pretty well in the past. You could Audacity if you want to do it for free on a PC before loading back into BM2
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