Midi sync two beamtker 2 instances on two ipads over wifi or bluetooth...

edited September 2013 in Support
Hi, is it possible to midi sync two beatmaker 2 instances over wifi or bluetooth ? My idea is to be able to start looping in beatmaker 2 , then load beatmaker 2 project in second ipad and sync to first playing one a mix music. Is this possible ? Maybe if this is possible I can eve record this live on each ipad by audiobuss and then blend it together to create live mix music from my projects ... Thank you.


  • cool thanks !
  • Well I tried Wist but when i reload different project to one of running beatmaker I lost sync and i cannot continually play without interrupting of play. So it is possible to mix from two beatmakers from two devices by midi sync ? What should I buy ? irigmidi ?
  • btw wist is very buggy in beatmaker , when reconnecting old connection stais in menue and there are reconnecting problems and beatmaker hawe to be restarted to solve this...
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