Stereo Delay is broken

edited October 2013 in Support
It is not possible to mute the dry signal even when "Wetmix" is set to 100%, as such the Stereo Delay is not usable as a Send effect. How can something this basic be overlooked?


  • yes this is fail, and same with old delay.. Delay really needs to be able to bypass dry signal, or it is unusable as send fx ...
  • alien_brain: Haha... seems you've given up completely ;-) (saw your other thread...)
  • Well I am using simple delay for doubling stereo effect in BM2 , it is undocumented trick I think. Maybe they will "fix" it someday but for now it works ok ... It works just by "exactly this" way. You add to track FX buss, on that fx buss you add simple delay effect , you pan treck to left or right , delay have to be full wet and feedback zero and 1/64 normal , dotted , or 1/32 normal or dotted or tripled , you have test witch one woks for your tempo. This way you get stereo delay for stereo widening effect on track without external DAW LIVE. So tell me if this is normal functionality or side effect but it sounds pretty good on some instruments , and also wit h various panning you get various stere widening.
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