BM2 (2.5.4) and IAA (good and bad)...

edited December 2013 in Support
first question: I tried with Alchemy (record a preexisting MIDI track) and it was super simple to realize. So so far I'm really totally convinced (never became a friend of Audio Bus). Not after this because things got messed up a lot: when tapping a "take" with the select tool did split the take. Furthermore a second take I took in a new IAA-instrument was recorded properly but after this sometimes replaced by the audio of the previous take. And the folder "records" (why is there one for all projects and not a distinct folder within each project???) contained a lot of something...

my second question: I have surizer, it doesnot show up, when selecting an IAA instrument, so far so fine. But when I select "Get more audio apps" it is listed. What's up here? Is it compatible or not?


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