Chop Lab / Sample Lab UX

edited December 2013 in Support
One for the UX at Intua:

When I'm in the Sample Lab, I have the option to Auto Chop.
I can save the chops into the original sample from there. But how can I load them into a Drum Kit?

If I create an empty Drum Kit, and try to load the entire sample with chops, how?
I don't think you can.

If I start over, and I take that same sample, and load it into the empty Drum Kit with the Chop button,
Then I can Auto Chop the sample, and when saving I have the option to save the Drum Kit, and create and load a pattern.

None of that can happen in the Sample Lab's Auto Chop.
It only works in the Drum Kit Chop / Exporting Chop Preset.

Can that be made to work in Sample Lab? For now, we need do all chops in an empty drum kit.

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