Hows bm3 on ios11(and ios11 in general)?

Im really tempted to try the ios11 beta, but im afraid of possible bugs and issues.
So does bm3 run without issues on ios11? And does the new file system work well on it? I have heard from some people that bm3 is fine on it, but would like to hear more experiences. I dont really care about other apps(other than audio units) besides it at the moment. But im also a bit concerned about the overall stability of ios 11. Does it have any bugs that gets in the way of beatmaking? I dont use my ipad for anything else important, just occasional youtube and web browsing.

Using air 2 btw


  • I’m on iOS 11 beta 4 just now on my "old" iPad Pro 12.9", and, I can’t see any specific issues that’s not related to bugs...
    Otherwise it’s just like when I use Beatmaker 3 on my 2017 iPad Pro 12.9" on iOS 10.33...

    But, it always a hazard to drive beta versions of iOS. I’m fortunate to have two 12.9" iPads to switch between, one for more serious work (iOS 10.33) and my other on beta 4...

    I also have an iPad Air2 with iOS 11 beta 4, and it was slow just after the latest upgrade to beta 4, but, after a day it has gone back to a more smoothier behavior...

  • edited July 2017

    Hey ErrkaPetti, - out of curiosity, any thoughts on the new iOS 11 file system and how it could integrate with BM3? Or with music apps in general? I imagine having a central audio repository on iPad, and letting apps load from that, rather than having lots of different file silos, to be a good thing. Thoughts?

  • @Nick said:
    Hey ErrkaPetti, - out of curiosity, any thoughts on the new iOS 11 file system and how it could integrate with BM3? Or with music apps in general? I imagine having a central audio repository on iPad, and letting apps load from that, rather than having lots of different file silos, to be a good thing. Thoughts?

    Well, it's more or less just a fancy finder window. The files aren't really stored in one place - but you rather integrate different cloud services into it. (like iCloud, Dropbox, Box, etc.)

    It just gives a consolidated view of all your file saving destinations and makes it kind of a central file Managing/view hub.
    While it's not a real finder style app - like the desktop version - it's still a nice addition and further improvement over the old iOS file-handling-style.

    So it's a pretty neat Feature. :)

  • @william77 does ios 11 potentially give the ability to have a single 'sample library' folder that all apps can access?
  • edited July 2017

    If you create one folder on a cloud service - definitely.

    But I'm not sure otherwise.
    There was a folder that said "files on my iPad".
    But I didn't really checked that one out (where it puts files and how to access them or put files there from outside iOS)
    Some also said that this folder was removed again from the last update - but I didn't check since I updated to public beta 3.

    So cloud services in that regard work for sure - other ways around it - can't tell.

  • Thanks. Hopefully that 'files on my ipad' folder is the solution ;) Cloud sharing between apps seems like it's already possible pre ios 11? Pretty clunky method tho. Apple need to snap out of some of their ways of thinking...
  • @Heyez said:
    Thanks. Hopefully that 'files on my ipad' folder is the solution ;) Cloud sharing between apps seems like it's already possible pre ios 11? Pretty clunky method tho. Apple need to snap out of some of their ways of thinking...

    Well, I don't see that coming any time soon. :wink:
    Sadly - as innovative as they can be - it's also true for their stubbornness of doing things "their way".

    I'm still puzzled every day that we are now on iOS 11 - but still have to deal with that stupid and unflexible camera roll.
    If you ever had to manage thousands of pictures on iOS (from photos to screenshots to artistic reference material, etc.) and you don't get the option to "hide" the camera roll - but also don't get any kind of indicator which files you have already sorted into additional folders.....then you're basically f**ked and just give up on it.
    Which then means endless scrolling sessions.

    Same with the file management - even though I understand that the restrictions are great for keeping iOS save.
    It's so cumbersome in many regards - that I sometimes wish I had access to the iOS Devs - just to see how they use their devices. Because the either don't use 80% of the features - or are cursing 90% of the time themselves over this stupidity..... don't know.... maybe common sense isn't that en vogue anymore. :D

    And it's sad because they where the ones who proclaimed the post PC era - but aren't capable of delivering.
    Which is a REAL bummer - because their hardware is totally capable - but the iOS restrictions are the stumbling block. If they would open up and allow/add a lot of workflow improvements - the iPad could really be a much more versatile everyday tool.

    One feature I'm TOTALLY missing 'til this day - and most likely it will never be integrated - is the use of a mouse with the iPad. (And it is technically possible - because there are jailbreak tweaks that make it possible)
    You don't always hold your iPad in your hands (especially the 12.9" one) and when you use it with a bluetooth keyboard - it's cumbersome and unergonomical to always have to reach for the display to press stuff.
    Especially when your iPad is a bit further away for better viewing distance.
    And I JUST REFUSE to believe that no one at Apple ever experiences that Problem - and then thinks - but a mouse is sooooo cumbersome - touch is better.
    Well, OPTIONS are even better. And Apple (Steve Jobs) famously dissed the old Stylus way - but now we have the Apple pencil. So why no mouse (or Keyboard with touchpad) or anything else more viable than what we have today.
    It's ironically funny that Apple refuses to build Laptops & Desktops with touch displays - because it's unergonomical to reach to the display. But regarding the iPad - it's ok?? slaps_face_in_disbelief

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