Live looping setup

edited August 2017 in General


I want to make a setup for live looping, where I can play various guitars - much like a Ableton Live setup with their Looper.

My setup now is :

Instrument ->
Pedalboard ->
Focusrite iTrack Dock / Keith McMillan QuNeo ->
Audiobus chain:
Loopy - BM 3 (with various AU-plugins for fx) ->
PA or stereo amp setup

I like the Loopy interface for playing live, but is there a better way to integrate a looper in BM 3? The pads system does not work effectively for me in a performance situation.


  • edited August 2017
    If Loopy works, why mess with it? I still use it for live sets, BM3 for my sampling workflows.

    Playing with BM3 has ironically renewed my interest in Egoist. They do similar things in some ways but the Egoist interface works so well for me when I want to chop and sequence something quickly. Link em up and use both!
  • Thanks for the reply!
    Do you use a midi controller with the setup?
    I am trying to get the QuNeo to work with both Loopy and BM 3 on the same setup, and I'm a litte confused..

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