Automation..... How?

What method are people using to copy a pattern that contains automation? Anyone found a convenient way to make it easy to copy/paste automation so its like it's bound to the pattern?


  • What I'm basically looking for is a way to record automation IN TO a pattern (without resampling to audio track). Possible? Thanks
  • Working in scenes mode seems to be the most reliable way of getting the automations fully contained in the pattern.

    If you work in song mode it seems a bit hit-and-miss whether the data goes to the pattern or timeline.

    A few (including myself) have already requested a toggle in the automation menu to choose the default destination: timeline/pattern
  • edited November 2017
    Thanks. Cool will try scene mode, bit clunky but hopefully OK as temp workaround.

    Yeah a toggle in the automation rec menu would be great. Hopefully can be added.
  • edited November 2017

    I think I figured this out. In the manual, the tutorial on recording automations only describes recording to the song timeline. I found a tutorial on recording AU automations, which describes recording automation to a pattern! But, where is the “pattern preview area”?? I’ve looked through some of the manual to try and figure this out, but I couldn’t find anything that said “pattern preview”. I did find in the sequencer view page of the docs, I found where it describes that tapping a pattern in the track helper makes it display a preview of the “working pattern”. We know this loops the selected pattern, but it turns out this also allows you to record automation directly to the working pattern, and not just AU automation. =)

  • I think the 'pattern preview' area is the left panel you can toggle on/off that lists all the patterns for the selected bank.

    Could be wrong.

    If anyone knows it'll be @5pinlink

    Btw @ronji - just wanted to say how much I appreciate all the efforts you've been putting in recently to record videos, help discover bugs and explain more complicated things to other BM3 users.
  • Thanks, @tk32! I’m glad it’s helping and people are liking the vids. =)
    Btw, according to the docs I linked, that little area you can toggle on and off that lists the patterns for the selected bank is called the track helper. If you go into the track helper and then you select the pattern you want to record automation into, it’ll loop, and all automations recorded will go into the pattern. =)

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  • @triton100 I tried that first, thinking “hey this is a preview of the pattern on the timeline, right?” but automation was recorded to the timeline. :cry:

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  • Seriously! Haha

  • Yeah the manual is lacklustre to say the least, there is a bunch of stuff in BM3 that nobody has any idea what they do, and when i ask i never get a reply off Intua hahaha.
    But yeah that thing is called the track helper, i point people to it all the time, it is useful as hell.

  • So we cannn record automation in to a pattern and then all instances of pattern in song timelines will contain the automation? I just need to select the pattern in pattern helper before recording automation? Result if so :)
  • Its the Track helper not Pattern helper, sorry, i know that seems petty, but when a new user searches the forum after reading the manual where it is called the Track helper, I just want the correct term to be in here, just in case, not trying to be whiny ;)

  • Does this record midi cc's?

  • edited November 2017
    @StudioES it is a little confusing, the arranger is the whole thing with song/scene/pattern as parts of the arranger.

    I may go through the manual and bolster it out at some point just for the sake of it ;)
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  • @StudioES I'm trying to test this with my lil nanokontrol, and I can't seem to get the controller to do anything but control pads, macros, and transport. I'm trying to set a filter cutoff to a knob. first off, I set midi omni to off, and I set the bank's midi input to the controller. double tap the cutoff, I go to modulate > midi > cc > new cc > learn, I turn the knob, it recognizes the correct cc# > create, and turning the knob does nothing. this same knob can be successfully mapped to midi focus actions, and lists the same cc#. not sure if I'm doing anything wrong, or if it just doesn't work. I feel like this is step one to test if midi cc gets recorded anywhere haha. I had no issue mapping several knobs to macros and recording that to pattern automation. =/

  • channel 1, yes. and I've paged around the sampler and other areas of the app, nothing seems to wake it up for midi cc modulation. why would midi cc learn correctly pick up when I turn the knob, but then that's as far as it goes? I just tried setting the same knob to control drive in addictive pro loaded as an IAA, and it worked perfectly, but of course any manipulation isn't recorded. I hadn't tried to do anything with midi controllers in BM3 before today, and I'm a bit surprised it isn't as easy as turning on midi learn and tapping a control. how can I use all these faders on this controller to control the faders in the BM3 mixer?

  • right, focus actions. perhaps I've already forgotten that. :wink: could you help refresh my memory on where the focus actions for mixer faders can be found? because I can't find mixer faders anywhere in the focus actions list. :confounded:

  • No worries man, I was hoping there was some other place or way to make it happen, but I don't have a big need for midi controls right now. Just testing for others =) I'm sure this will all get sorted out. This app is seriously good even with these shortcomings, and I'm still able to do a lot with it!

  • I can't seem to find a way to record midi cc's from an external controller to an iaa app using this. Getting a bit confused by all the moving parts to be honest.

  • @dizzy From what I can tell so far it it's not yet possible in BM3

  • edited November 2017

    This has never changed, the only way to use faders to control the volume of everything, is put everything in one bank, MIDI control of BM3 currently sucks, there is no nicer way of putting it to be honest, focus actions cover one use case and one use case only, i think Intua believed that it would cover everything everybody wanted to do, that was never going to be the case.

    As for macros instead of MIDI learn on, well on everything really, this is 2017, I will be polite and not even comment ;)

    All of this points to one thing that keeps popping up, Intua did not realise the power of its own design (NI comes to mind with Maschine) because "People will only want to do this" keeps popping up, when in actual fact "This software could be the centre of my entire studio" is actually quite common right now (Emphasis on the could)

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