Easier way to duplicate a bar within a pattern?

Has anyone found a good way to extend pattern length and duplicate the original content to the new bars? For example if I start with a 1 bar pattern and want to extend to 4 bars, in Maschine and other groove boxes the original content automatically gets copied. In BM3 you have to select the notes and then click duplicate, but it then places the new notes right at the end of the last note that was selected, forcing you to realign the new notes manually.


  • Go to the arranger (Song) repeat the pattern 3 times so that you have 4, select them all, press merge ;)

  • @5pinlink -- mind-blowingly good suggestion :o
  • Here's another way to do it...

    Create an extra midi note at the very start and extend its length to fill the bar entirely. This note acts as your spacer. Now when you select all notes and duplicate, the new section aligns in the corresponding spaces in bars 2, 3, 4 etc. Now just delete the extra long notes :)

    The advantage of this method is that it can be used for repeating passages that are more or less than a complete bar in length, great for polyrhythmic arpeggios etc.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Both great suggestions, thanks guys

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